The right neighborhood part 1

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A few days after the whole bachelor raffle Elena was making herself ready for another day at school while talking to Lexi on the phone.

"How's that pretty brother of yours?" Lexi asked with a chuckle.

"Don't you have Lee?" Elena asked as she put on a pair of blood red skinny jeans.

"Oh, that would be so hot." Lexi sort of made a mocking moan over the phone. "Lee and your pretty brother on one bed, mhmm."

"Lexi!" Elena mocked cringed and almost stabbed herself in the eye with her eyeliner.

"What?!" Lexi laughed. "Your brother is pretty right now but imagine in a year or two, he's gonna be freaking gorgeous!"

"Yeah, I'm going to have to learn material arts or something to protect his virtue, aren't I?" Elena hummed.

"Definitively." Lexi agreed with a chuckled.

Elena walked out of her room to knock on Jeremys door. "Hey Jeremy," She called through the door. "Can I borrow a hoddie?"

"Oh, tell your pretty brother hello from me and to stay sexy." Lexi told Elena.

"Good morning, Lena." A newly awoken Jeremy said as he opened the door with a smile and held out a maroon colored hoddie towards her.

"Thank you." Elena smiled back at him then she gestured a little to her phone. "Oh, and Lexi asked me to tell my pretty brother 'Hello' and to 'Stay sexy'."

"Hey Lexi and stay epic." Jeremy said with a blush, knowing that Lexi could hear every word.

"Oh, I just want to do very bad things to him." Lexi teased Elena through the phone.

"I'll see you later Jere." Elena kissed Jeremy on the cheek, doing her best to ignore Lexi. "Love you."

"Love you to, Lena." Jeremy called after her as she walked down the stairs.

"I wish I could talk longer but it seems like Lee needs me for something." Lexi told Elena. "I'll text you later, bye, bye, beautiful."

"Bye, bye gorgeous." Elena said with a smile and ended the call.

"Were you talking to a boy?" Jenna asked hopefully making Elena jump, not having noticed her.

"Aunt Jenna!" Elena exclaimed as she mock glared at her aunt. "No, it wasn't a boy, it was just Lexi."

"Just 'Lexi' huh?" Jenna smirked with an eyebrow raised then she raised her hands in surrender. "I don't judge."

"Really aunt Jenna?" Elena laughed. "Would I date Lexi? Probably not, even though she's awesome. Would I consider having sex with her? I just might, she's gorgeous."

Elena and Jenna just looked at each other for a while and then like a dam broke they started to laugh. Elena finally managed to calm down around 10 minutes later, put her on her knee high, high heeled boots and left for school with a quick hug from Jenna.


"Stefan!" Elena called out as she arrived at the school.

"Elena." Stefan smiled when she walked up to him.

"I have a very important question." Elena linked her arm with Stefan and started to walk into the school.

"Okay?" Stefan asked hesitantly.

"When it comes to vampires you have to invite them in, right?" Elena hummed.

"Yeah?" Stefan looked at her.

"But what counts as 'inviting in'?" Elena wondered. "I mean do you have to say the words 'Come in' specifically or does it work with calling out 'Enter'? Does a welcome matt with the words 'Welcome' or 'Come in' count as an invite?"

"I...I actually don't know." Stefan looked thoughtful.

"Mhmm." Elena hummed softly. "Do you think Damon would know?"

"Maybe." Stefan shrugged. "You could always ask him, but..."

"But?" Elena asked.

"He has been very quiet these last few days and I'm worried about him." Stefan admitted. "The whole thing with Kathrine and her not being in the tomb... I love my brother and I don't want to see him so hurt and almost broken."

"Come here." Elena pulled Stefan into a gentle hug and murmured in his ear. "If you are worried just hug him. A hug can save lives and it has been scientifically proven that it makes people feel better."

"I think it would give him a heart attack if I just walked up to him and hugged him." Stefan chuckled but had to admitted that the hug helped him feel better.

"Can vampires have heart attacks?" Elena wondered as she pulled back.

"No idea." Stefan laughed.

"Elena, Stefan." Caroline smiled as she walked up to them.

"Caroline." Stefan smiled back and Elena hugged her best friend.

"I need your help." Caroline looked at them imploringly.

"What can we do for you?" Elena smiled. "Is it illegal?"

"No, it's completely legal." Caroline just looked at Elena.

"Oh." Elena sighed.

"Why do you sound disappointed?" Caroline asked as Stefan laughed.

"No reason." Elena denied and continued. "What can we help you with?"

"I know that you two are just friends but it would mean a lot to me if you guys could come on a double date with me and Matt." Caroline rushed out. "It would be just fun with a few friends but also help with the awkwardness."

Stefan and Elena looked at each other and came to a silent agreement. Elena then turned towards Caroline. "We're in, but nothing too fancy."

"Thank you, thank you, thank you." Caroline bounced up and down as she hugged Elena and then Stefan. "It will be nothing to huge, just a dinner at the grill and then later maybe a movie."

"Sounds fine." Stefan chuckled.

"See you tonight." Caroline beamed and walked away.

"Are we sure she's human?" Elena murmured. "I mean, it can't be normal to have that much energy and that much positivity in one body."

"Really?" Stefan looked at Elena from the corner off his eye.

"Don't look at me like that." Elena huffed with a smile.

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