A few once foolish men part 1

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Elena woke up groggily and sat up slowly. When she saw Ben sitting in a chair by the end of the bed, she was lying on she remembered what had happened. She looked around the room for a way out and stared at the front door.

Quietly slipping of the bed, Elena slowly stepped over Ben's outstretched legs and backed away towards the door. As she made it to the door, she looked back towards Ben to make sure he hadn't woken up and then she unlocks the deadbolt and as gently as possible she turned the lock on the door so she could open the it.

"I wouldn't." A voice said from behind her.

"Shit!" Elena cursed as she spun around and tried her best to punch Ben who was standing just a few inches away from her.

"Don't try and escape." Ben said while he stared into her eyes after he caught her hand. "Don't even move. Do you understand?"

"I understand." Elena tried to sound as emotionless as possible and from the scoff Ben gave as he turned around it seemed to have worked. Then Elena quickly opened the door and bolted out.

"Seriously?!" Anna growled as she pushed Elena back into the motel room again.

"Oh, it's you." Elena groaned. "The psychotic little girl that's stalking my brother."

"I told her not to move." Ben said before Anna could register what Elena had said. "I did that eye thing you thought me!"

"And you forgot the lesson on vervain!" Anna glared at Ben. "She's dating a vampire, Ben. Duh!"

Anna dragged Elena over to the bathroom as Elena quietly wondered why people kept assuming she and Stefan were dating, and forcefully pushed her in and then she shut the door.

"Ow!" Elena groaned as she hit the sink, then she screamed through the door at Anna. "Get fucked by a cactus you bitch!"

"Ugh." Elena turned toward the bathtub when she heard a groan.

"Bonnie?!" Elena rushed over to her groaning friend.

"Elena?" Bonnie asked slowly.

"No, I'm the ghost of Christmas past." Elena deadpanned even as she pulled Bonnie in to a hug.

"Oh my God!" Bonnie gasped. "Ben is a..."

"Vampire? Yeah it would look like that, huh." Elena shrugged.

"I'm so stupid!" Bonnie scowled at herself.

"You're not stupid Bonnie, he had us all fooled." Elena hugged her again while quietly planning to start wearing a vervain-soaked string around her hand every time she met new people. That way when she shook their hand she would automatically know if they were vampires or not.

"What's going on?" Bonnie asked. "Where are we?"

Elena quickly told Bonnie a summarized version on what was going on and finished with, "I didn't want to drag you into all of this."

"Why did you try and keep me out of it?" Bonnies voice sounded accusing.

"They need a witch to open the tomb and let the vampires out." Elena admitted. "I was going to ask a friend of Damons to help so you didn't have to be pulled in and put in danger."

Ben slammed the door open and stalked into the tiny bathroom as Elena placed Bonnie protectively behind her.

"You are wasting your time." Bonnie declared, trying to sound strong and unafraid and Elena wasn't going to be the one to tell her that it didn't really work. "I'm not going to help you."

Ben smirked darkly and grabbed Elena by the hair. "That's why she's here, motivation for you to behave. You know, you shouldn't be so desperate, you made it too easy."

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