Brothers and Isobel part 2

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Later that night, after Elena, Jeremy and Damon had helped Anna, Pearl and Harper move into the Gilbert cabin and agreed to not tell anyone where they were staying, Elena was talking to Stefan on the phone.

"I'm happy that you're back, Stefan." Elena smiled as she chose clothes for the next day.

"It's nice to be back." Stefan hummed. "Thank you for calling Lexi."

"You are very welcome." Elena giggled. "Are you feeling better now?"

"Yeah I'm back on a 'vegetarian' diet." Stefan assured her.

"That's not what I asked, Stefan." Elena said softly. "I asked if you are feeling better?"

"I think so," Stefan mumbled. "I'm not really sure yet."

"Well, tell me if there is anything I can help with." Elena murmured softly. As Elena turned around, she taught she saw a dark shape watching her from the corner of her room but when she turned to look there was nothing there.

"Elena? Elena?!" Stefan called out from the phone.

"Huh?" Elena was feeling a little shaken. "Sorry, I just thought I saw... Never mind, it was nothing."

"Are you okay?" Stefan sounded worried.

"Yeah I'm fine." Elena chuckled. "I'm just tired."

"Okay if you're sure." Stefan said hesitantly. "Then I wish you a good night and pleasant dreams."

"Thank you and I wish you the same." Elena yawned. "I'll see you tomorrow."

"See you tomorrow." Stefan repeated and hung up.

Elena put down her phone on her night stand, looking around the room as the feeling of being watched never went away. She felt like the being watching her didn't want to harm her but it was also very old and very powerful.

As she was about to fall asleep after getting into bed, she thought she felt a cold but gentle hand stroke the side of her face and a whisper on the wind wishing her a nice rest.


The next morning Elena was wearing jean shorts, knee high socks, a black tank top and one of Jeremys hoddies as she walked around the kitchen, trying to find an apple or something to eat as she talked to Damon and Stefan on the phone.

"I'm supposed to help build the Miss Mystic float for the Founders' Day parade, if I don't I get the wrath of Caroline and that scares me more than anything." Elena chuckled. "But I just wanted to ask if you or Stefan were in my room yesterday after I had finished talking to Stefan?"

"I wasn't and Stefan is shaking his head." Damon told her. "Why do you ask?"

"I sort of knew it wasn't either of you but I thought I'd ask." Elena hummed, taking a bite of an apple she had found and chewing slowly. "I have had this feeling of being watched, not all the time but sometimes and yesterday I thought I felt someone stroke my face just before I fell asleep."

"Are you okay?!" Stefan's worried voice called out.

"Yeah, it didn't feel evil just...old." Elena murmured.

"What do you mean when you say 'old'?" Damon asked slowly.

"It's hard to explain." Elena shrugged and made her way out the door to her bike. "What ever it was it had a feeling of being very old."

"That doesn't sound good." Damon muttered.

"I was thinking about calling Bree and ask her but right now I have to go." Elena said as she stood in front of her bike. "Stefan, I'll see you at school in a few minutes and Damon I'll talk to you later. Bye"

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