A few once foolish men part 4

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When the three of them arrived at the grill Damon separated from them to walk over to the bar and Stefan was stopped by an older woman who started to flirt with him. Elena smirked and left him to his faith while she walked over to where she saw a laughing Caroline and a blushing Matt.

"Hey guys." Elena smiled at them.

"Hey Elena." Matt muttered while Caroline beamed at her.

"What's so funny?" Elena looked at Caroline for the answer.

"Matt's already been hit on, like, 35 times." Caroline giggled. "He's total cougar bait."

"Not bad Matt." Elena chuckled.

"It's embarrassing." Matt muttered with a blush.

"Hey, Mrs. Donovan." Caroline smiled at Matt's mom who had walked up to them.

"Elena, honey." Kelly smiled at Elena and pulled her in to an awkward hug while ignoring Caroline.

"Hi, Mrs. Donovan." Elena forced herself not to sneer at her for the way she treated Caroline.

"Long time, no see." Kelly looked at Elena.

"How are you doing?" Elena plastered a fake smile on her face.

"Oh, same old." Kelly shrugged. "Matty tells me you broke his heart."

"I guess we have that in common you and I." Elena smiled innocently. "But I at least only broke it once."

"Mom!" Matt called out even as he was shocked by Elenas response.

"Just kidding, calm down. He found his rebound girl." Kelly glared lightly at Elena, then she glanced at Caroline and hands her some money. "Here you go sweetheart, however many that'll buy."

Caroline accepted the money and walked away with a small forced smile. Would it be possible to 'accidentally' trip Matt's mother or should she just ask Damon to eat her? Elana thought to herself.

"I just hope I don't get Bachelor 3. I dated him in high school. Not impressive," Kelly leaned in to whisper. "in any way."

"Who are you hoping for then?" Elena asked just to mess with Matt who looked a little green.

"You see the guy over there." Kelly nodded over to where Damon was talking to Carol Lockwood. "He is absolutely dreamy."

"You mean Damon Salvatore?" Elena smirked.

"You know him?" Kelly turned her whole attention towards Elena.

"You could say that." Elena said without elaborating just as Stefan walked up to them.

"You are on cruel young woman." Stefan told Elena. "You left me there, alone!"

"Did the big bad cougars scare you?" Elena smirked.

"Oh, just shut up." Stefan groaned.

"Hello." Kelly held out her hand towards Stefan, trying to look flirty and seductive as she obviously undressed him with her eyes. "I'm Kelly Donovan."

"Stefan Salvatore." Stefan introduced himself politely if a tad stiffly.

Caroline came back with a few tickets and Kelly hummed. "Very exciting." And the she walked further into the grill.

"I am so sorry, Stefan." Matt groaned with embarrassment.

"It's okay, Matt, it's not your fault." Stefan reassured him.

Elena and Stefan made their way over to where Jenna was sitting with a lot of tickets.

"You think you bought her enough?" Elena whispered to Stefan.

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