Crying Daddy Wold part 1

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Elena walked down the stairs towards the kitchen wearing black shorts over black ripped tights, a dark blue sports bra, one of Damon's button up which she had...borrowed... and her combat boots and feeling annoyed.

Stefan had convinced her to let John stay at the Gilbert house to protect her. She didn't need protection for fuck sakes!

She saw John shut off the tv just as she walked into the living room on her way to the kitchen.

"Morning." John looked at her.

"What are you doing here?" Elena was done with being nice and polite.

"Coffee?" John followed her to the kitchen.

"We're not doing that." Elena glared at him. "I gave you a pass last night because Stefan and his fucking puppy eyes. No more avoiding. Why are you here?"

"I'm here to protect you." John told her. "That's all I can say at the moment."

"And why can't you tell me more?" Elena felt irritated.

"I'll tell you more when I'm convinced, I can trust you." John said as Jenna and Alaric made their way into the kitchen.

"Oh God, I'm late." Jenna groaned, not registering that John was in the kitchen.

"That's what you get for hitting the snooze button three times!" Alaric chuckled.

"What the hell?" Jenna froze as she noticed John.

"It's okay that I'm confused, right?" Jenna looked around at the others. "Because we were not expecting you, like, ever."

"Well, I got in late last night." John shrugged. "Elena let me in."

"He and Stefan guilt tripped me into letting him stay." Elena grumbled.

"I..." John started but stared at Elena when she interrupted him and told Jenna the truth about the whole guilt tripping.

"You know, I'm uh, probably just gonna take off." Alaric kissed Jenna softly and left.

"I'm still confused." Jenna admitted.

"I decided to come back and stay for a while." John informed her.

"Not here, you're not." Jenna denied.

"Actually, you can't stop me from living here." John said smugly.

"Actually, I can, as Jeremys legal guardian and Elena's proxy." Jenna smirked back at him,

"Yeah about Elena, do you want me to explain the situation, or would you like to do the honors?" John hummed making Elena want to punch him in the face...again.

"Okay, what's going on?" Jenna asked as she looked from Elena to John and back.

"Well it seems John thinks I'm keeping something from you..." Elena began.

"I'm Elena's biological father." John interrupted. "There, now you know."

"Oh, I thought you were going to tell me something I didn't already know." Jenna chuckled as John walked away.

"You knew already?" John stopped in the doorway.

"Yeah, Elena told me as soon as she found out." Jenna smirked.

John just huffed and left with a glare thrown back towards the two woman.

Elena pulled out her phone and sent to send a text.


Our deal had nothing about me killing people, right?


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