Undead to me

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Elena woke up from a very pleasant dream about laying on a beach in Hawaii and wants to stay in her warm soft bed for the rest of the day, but instead she gets up and walks in to the bathroom with her eyes still mostly closed.

"I'm sorry." Elena looked up when she heard a voice to see Vicki standing there. "I'm almost done."

"It's fine. Take your time." Elena smiled kindly. "I can go and pick out my clothes for the day while you finish."

Elena walked back into her room with a half smirk on her lips. 'Go Jeremy.' She thought with a chuckle.

Today she felt like wearing pants so she picked out a pair of skinny jeans, grey flats and a grey t-shirt. She matched that with a simple flower necklace and the earrings that went with it and, of course, her usual makeup of mascara and eyeliner.

When she was done, she walked over to Jeremys room and knocked.

"Elena." Jeremy said as he opened the door with a smile.

"Hoddie?" Elena smiled hopefully, trying not to laugh at Vicki who was doing everything she could to hide under Jeremys covers.

"Of course." Jeremy laughed and went to his dresser, when he came back over, he handed her a maroon colored hoddie.

"Thanks Jere, you are the best little brother in the world." Elena kissed his cheek and bounced off but not before she heard Vicki say "Your sister is kinda cool."

As she came into the kitchen and said good morning to Jenna, she asked. "Are you aware that we have a guest?"

"Uh-huh." Jenna nodded into her coffee cup.

"Kay then." Elena shrugged and grabbed an apple.

"He could be a little craftier about it tho." Jenna smiled wickedly. "At least make an effort to sneak her in and out."

"I think he's not actually trying to sneak; he knows that we don't care if he has a girl over." Elena said then she smirked. "Now if he had a boy over, I would squeal like a three-year-old on Christmas."

"Really, Elena?" Jenna raised an amused eyebrow.

"What?!" Elena laughed. "I've always wanted a gay best friend. A gay little brother is just ten times more awesome."

"Oh, and just so you know, I won't be home for dinner." Jenna said as if she just remembered it herself.

"You're not actually going out with Logan?" Elena judged her with a look. "He's not even that good looking and you can definitely do better."

"Aww that's so sweet of you to say." Jenna smiled at Elena. "And I'm just going out with him to torture him, showing him what he can't have, you know?"

"Good on you, aunt Jenna." Elena smirked.

"By the way, have you heard from Stefan?" Jenna asked slowly. "I heard you and Caroline talking on the phone yesterday and his name was mentioned."

"Not since he left that very vague message three days ago: 'Hi, um, Elena, I, um, have something I have to do. I'll, uh, explain in a few days.'" Elena made a hilarious attempt at impersonating Stefan.

"Haven't you called him?" Jenna wondered.

"Nope and I'm not going to." Elena declared as she threw away what little was left of her apple.

"And you're okay with everything?" Jenna looked at her.

"Why wouldn't I be?" Elena asked with a shrug.

"Well if my boyfriend did that, I would be a bit ticked off." Jenna admitted.

"Stefan is not my boyfriend." Elena informed her. "We're just friends."

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