Chapter 92

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Marcus' POV:

I stood motionless in front of this door.

I have no idea how long I've been here, just standing, hyping myself up for this conversation.

I clutched the envelope Nico had given me days prior closer to my chest.

Since then I'd done a lot of thinking...

Given the life I've lived, I've never really had to plan my own future as my own person.

My next steps were always given to me, so I never had to worry about what to do next.

But then Nico planned on sending me away with Khloe, and now he's given me complete freedom.

Freedom to live my own life the way I wanted.

As elated as it made me, it was daunting in a sense.

Jumping into a whole other lifestyle of unknown outcomes.

Of course, I've thought about it, it's rare that people in my situation don't.

It was something Carlo and I talked about quite often back when things weren't so... Intense you could say.

My eyes locked onto the handle of his room, the muscles in my shoulders tightening.

He was definitely part of everything that I'd been thinking about recently.

About how awful our predicament was.

I've been fighting with myself, trying to figure out how to feel now that it was over.

It soon became a huge moral dilemma that I still haven't figured out.

At the end of the day, it worked out.

Khloe became a vampire and now could live happily through the relationship with Nico that they'd been hiding.

Carlo played a large part in all of that happening.

But on the other hand, he deliberately went against everything I asked him to.

Despite the fact he was doing it to protect me... and things probably would have gotten a lot more hectic if he didn't succeed that day.

Even on top of all that I had to keep the most important fact clear in my head.

He was following orders. Just like he was meant to do.

Like we were meant to do.

Even if there were personal feelings on both of our sides on who we were protecting, our actions still weren't completely our choice.

And after everything was said and done. After everything turned out okay and everyone was happy, I found myself missing him.

I shook my head, trying to shake all the nerves that had built up from my procrastination with it.

It didn't necessarily work, but I stepped up towards the door anyway.

I only let myself hesitate for a brief second before knocking.

There was no response for a while. Not even a hint of anyone moving on the other side.

Which I found strange, I was sure that he would be in here.

So I knocked again, still resulting in nothing.

"Carlo, please," my voice came out broken, only now being grateful that our rooms didn't have the soundproof luxury that the vampire's did.

I heard a reaction almost immediately, the sound of running steps approaching the door.

The door flew open so fast that I took a step back.

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