Chapter 63

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Khloe's POV:

I stared at myself in the bathroom mirror as I pulled and tied my hair back into a high pony-tail.

Nico and I had made somewhat of a plan of how we were going to spend these last three days.

Today we were going to spend some time in the city, going wherever the day takes us and both starting and finishing with what Nico promised me as romantic meals in town.

Tomorrow we planned on spending the day here, whether it just be relaxing or not, we would decide when we got there.

Same went for the third day, we'd see how we feel and then go from there.

I placed my hands on the cool marble after I had finished, exhaling a sigh.

Through all of this, I was just trying my best not to think of the future.

Whenever it even tried to pop out of my head I forced myself to focus on something else.

I agreed with what Nico said. That these next days shouldn't be filled with dread.

So I was going to make sure I cherished every possible second of these next days.

I barely made note of the couple strands at the front that I missed, deciding that I liked the way they framed my face.

Nico walked in soon after, taking off the signature dark hooded jacket he wore whenever we went into the city.

Despite the simplicity, the hood actually did a good job ad hiding him and making sure he didn't get noticed.

I guess in a city full of humans, no one was gonna pay close enough attention anyways.

I watched through the mirror as he approached me, not missing the wat his eyes looked me over.

A chill ran up my spine at the feeling of him gently lifting a strand of my hair, rubbing it between his fingers.

"You haven't tied your hair up like this in a while," he said, looking up to meet my eyes through the mirror.

"I have, but it's usually around Doe and Marcus when were out in the garden."

"Lucky them," He stated quietly, "I've been missing out."

I let out a small laugh.

"I guess that means you like my hair like this?"

"Of course. It definitely makes certain things easier for me," he answered with a slight grin.

My head tilted a bit, "Certain things?"

He replied with a quiet 'Mmhm', leaning down ever so slightly before I felt his lips against the crook of my neck.

I sucked in a small gasp before my body reacted on instinct, lifting my head and leaning against him.

A content sigh came soon after, his lips leaving me for just a moment as I turned to face him fully.

My fingers found themselves against his back almost instantly in an act to keep and savor this moment while it was here.

I can only assume Nico had the same thoughts as his arms wrapped against my lower back, his lips slowly easing their way up my neck.

The sensation alone apparently caused me to lift myself onto my toes, one of my hands rising into his hair in the way I knew he liked.

That fact became further proven with a rumble in his chest mixed with the fact that my feet were no longer on the ground.

In one fluid motion, I found my legs wrapped around his waist and my back against the wall that used to be behind us.

The feeling of his body against mine nearly caused the air in my lungs to dissipate.

At least until I felt his hands skim under my shirt and against my waist, holding me there as he continued what he was doing.

I felt a heat spread across my body as he expertly touched and kissed me in a way that left me wanting more.

My fingers tugged at his hair while my toes curled, fighting the urge to lift my head even more so that he could feel my heavy breaths and quiet mewls against his ear.

I didn't even want to begin to think of how badly I was going to miss this.

Dear god how badly I wanted to feel him -all of him- again.

The only thing that was keeping me from just completely giving in to this was the knowledge of the plans we had set.

"Nico," I managed to pant out, "our reservations,"

I didn't know exactly when he had planned for us to eat, but I knew that it was fairly soon.

He stopped just long enough to speak.

"We have time," His voice was low, the tone of it alone causing my heart to beat faster than it already was.

Which only made my next words even more disappointing.

"Not at this rate we don't."

Nico paused for a second, leaning back enough for me to see the green of his eyes and the upward tilt of his lips.

"What exactly are you insinuating, sweetheart?" He questioned with a blatant smug undertone.

I was surprised with myself at the fact that I returned that mischievous look in his eyes.

"You know what I'm insinuating, but it's up to you if you want to skip out on the breakfast you planned." I offered, drawing the hand that was in his hair down his cheek.

I could physically see him thinking over my words for a moment, as well as the slight internal battle.

Eventually, he came to a conclusion, letting out a long breath that left his shoulders slumping.

"No, I promised you a romantic breakfast and dinner and I want to honor that."

I nodded as my feet hit the floor, both of our hands still lingering on each other in one way or another.

"Do you have any set plans for after dinner?" I asked.

His brow quirked up knowingly.

"No, not yet. Why do you ask?"

I just shrugged innocently and sashayed past him.

"No reason, just wondering." I teased.

Both of us knew that I had just started an unspoken battle of sorts that was inevitably going to last all-day.

Maybe Nico was right when he said that I was a tease.

He followed suit, placing a hand against my lower back so that we were walking in tandem.

"I see," He began with that roguish tone he liked to carry," then let me know if you think of something."

I smirked a bit to myself as he lead me out the door.

"You too."

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