Chapter 5

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Khloe's POV:

"Wait wait wait, you're telling me that the reason we had to leave so quickly was because you whipped, strangled, and threatened Layla?" Xander asked in awe.

"Mhm," Nico replied casually, leaning back against the chair now that he was done with his explanation.

"Dude," Xander began, "Like I completely support you and understand why you did it but," He stopped again, "Bronwyn would have actually killed you if we hadn't bailed."

Nico shrugged, "That's not really what I was worried about, plus it's not my fault his daughter has no sense of decency."

His words turned harsher towards the end of the sentence, causing me to shift a bit in discomfort as I thought back to it.

"Yeah...," Xander looked me over after Nico had said that, a look of pity crossing his features.

I didn't know what to think of that, so I just kept my eyes pointed down.

"Well, I'm glad someone finally put her in her place, even though she definitely deserved more than what you gave her."

"Yeah I guess," Nico responded, " I'm just glad I never have to think about it again."

Xander laughed.

"True. Layla was a mistake from the start," Xander admitted.

"I tried to tell you," Nico replied.

"Yeah, I know. But that was back when I was-"

Xander stopped abruptly, both of the boys suddenly tensing and drawing a quick breath.

My eyes grew as wide as theirs did as I hurried to try to figure out what was going on.

I quickly turned to Doe to see if she had an answer, but she looked just as confused and concerned as I was.

Before I could build up any more panic, they both exhaled and relaxed.

A smile build from satisfaction and excitement sat on both of their faces, followed shortly by both of them sharing a quick laugh as if they had shared an inside joke.

Doe and I glanced at each other, both of us being majorly confused.

"I forgot what that felt like," Nico said as he bent and straightened out his fingers, like he was testing out a new body.

Xander rolled out his neck, "Me too," He let out another long exhale," Its like I almost forgot we had royal blood here."

Here... that must mean we've entered their city

I sat in confusion for a couple seconds longer before turning to Nico.

I was about to speak but noticed first how his skin had gained some color, looking more similar to my own now instead of being completely pale.

Xander's body showed the same effect, but it looked like whatever had happened affected Nico more.

"If you don't mind me asking," I began formally, not to upset Xander, "What just happened?"

Both of them turned to face me.

Nico opened his mouth to speak, but quickly closed it and furrowed his eyebrows, like he didn't know how to explain it.

"Um... its like," He paused again, turning towards Xander for help," I don't know how to explain it without going into too much detail and making it sound too confusing."

"Just think of it like a chemical in our body," Xander surprisingly took over, "And that chemical is made up of what gives us power as vampires, as well as what gives us a more feral side and keeps us more connected to our own instincts. Normal vampires are born with like 50 percent of this chemical but it goes up to like around 85 percent during the blood moon but it's like an involuntary and uncontrollable 85 percent y'know? But regardless of that, since Nico was the first born to a Lord, he was born with like 75 percent and as the second son, I was born with like... I don't know like 68 percent ?" He asked Nico

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