Chapter 18

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Marcus' POV:

I strolled lazily down one of the long corridors the Lord and Lady's floor had, trying to fix it to memory.

I had every single hallway and room memorized on the Prince's floor, but I still had some rough spots when it came to this one.

Not that I really needed to memorize this floor since the Princes were my main concern, but I just liked knowing.

Lord Vanderwood called for me sometimes to complete a task or stand watch while he met with people in his throne room, but that was basically it.

Plus, I had some time to kill before I met Doe and Khloe for dinner.

I let my eyes close for a moment, just listening to my footsteps echo as I walked. It was oddly peaceful in a way.

At least it was until I heard what sounded like muffled yelling coming from one of the rooms.

I paused for a moment, debating whether I should check it out or just keep walking.

From what it sounded like, Lord Vanderwood was the one doing the yelling.

I wondered which poor soul was getting yelled at.

At first, I concluded Nico, but it couldn't have been him this time since I had recently seen him in the library.

Maybe Xander then?

Actually probably not. It didn't really seem like the Lord had much to do with him whenever they weren't eating together.

I quietly stepped closer, trying to calculate a safe distance to assure that Lord Vanderwood couldn't catch my scent.

Whenever the Lord was upset with somebody, he usually took care of it within his throne room, or with at least a guard standing watch outside.

But a guard was nowhere to be seen and I didn't have any idea what was in the room this was all coming from.

Just as I was barely able to make out words, the door opened and I honest to God think my heart stopped, making me stop dead in my tracks.

"I don't care how it gets done just get it done," the Lord's voice ordered.

I just stared at the opened door that no one had stepped out of yet, too stunned to move and risk the Lord hearing my movements.

Something told me that I wasn't supposed to be hearing this conversation.

I could barely make out a hand on the door handle inside the room, like the person inside was just about to leave.

"You know where everything you'll need is. You know the ins and outs of his floor better than any other slave here. If the worst comes, then you have my protection. I don't care how you do it, but get the information that I need. Do that and I'll think about your request."



Why do I have a feeling that he's talking about Nico?

"I will," shock shot through me as soon as I heard whose voice it was, "You can count on me, my Lord, although I may need some time to plan and prepare."

"I'll give you two weeks to get it done." the Lord stated.

"That will be more than enough."

"Good. You are dismissed, Carlo."

What the hell?

I stayed absolutely still as Carlo walked out with his head down, a blanched look of worry forming on his face.

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