Chapter 64

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Marcus' POV:

My room was silent.

Uncomfortably so.

So many things have happened in such a short amount of time and it didn't feel like I had caught up to all of these new changes.

And the result of that left me laying at the foot of my bed and staring up at the ceiling.

Nico and Khloe were gone for the day, and I hadn't seen Carlo since that incident with the Lord.

And now with Nico's sudden panic, Khloe and I were set to be free from this castle within a couple days.

According to Nico, freed into a fully furnished house with enough money to last us more than a lifetime.

Which itself seemed like a dream come true, but something still didn't sit right with me.

Whether it was just nerves of shifting from a slave my whole life to a normal citizen, or some other underlying worry I wasn't quite sure yet.

One thing I was definitely sure of was the sorrow that sat unmoving in my chest at this news.

Knowing that I might never see Doe or Carlo again, and not even having the ability to tell them what was happening.

But if it meant safety for both Khloe and I...

I released a long breath, effectively sagging deeper into the bed.

Time seemed to be going by a lot slower ever since this news was given to me, yet I couldn't do anything but sit and wait for something to happen.

My body instinctively shot up into a sitting position at the sound of a knock at my door.

It was familiar... It was Carlo.

I practically bolted to the door, opened it, dragged him in, and closed it within a matter of seconds.

He didn't have time to express his surprise before I spoke.

"Nico would kill you if he spotted you on this floor!" I scolded in a harsh whisper, despite the fact that I knew that he wasn't even here.

Carlo didn't know that.

At least I hope he didn't.

"I know, I know," He responded through heavy breaths.

It was then that I noticed his hard breathing and slumped at all.

"Did you run here?" I questioned, my voice softening from what it was previously.

"A little bit, yeah," he spoke, clearing his throat before he straightened himself, " I just wanted to make sure you were, y'know, okay. I hadn't... heard or seen you since the Lord... and I got scared that maybe he did something to you. He's still using you as leverage but I just didn't know if you were uninjured." His usually carefully controlled voice slipped a few times.

It made that sorrow in my chest get worse.

If it had only been days since then, what would he think when I completely disappear without a word?

"Carlo..." I began, but any other words escaped me for a moment.

Part of me wanted to take this moment to be sentimental, but deep down I knew it wouldn't change anything.

And him setting his hand on my shoulder didn't exactly help.

I just needed to make it through these last days without incident.

"He already has you on another death mission?" I asked.

Lord Vanderwood did say he expected Nico to find out about what was happening, so I guess it was only expected for him to have another plan right off the bat.

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