Chapter 26

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Nico's POV:

I watched as Khloe slept, readjusting myself so my back was against the headboard more comfortably.

I had already come to the conclusion that I wasn't going to get any sleep tonight, not while she was in these conditions.

Even though despite her weird behavior being the only thing different about her, I'm still not completely sure if that's going to be the worst of it.

Since I don't even know what she drank, I didn't want to risk something going wrong while I was asleep.

So, I just sat beside her on the bed, continuously listening in on the workings on her body.

Nothing seemed out of the ordinary so far, which I guess was good.

Luckily she hasn't woken up since our little chat and has been sleeping soundly with her head on my thigh for almost two hours now.

I continued lightly dragging my hand through her hair, trying to figure out why someone would do this to her.

Even though I was most likely going to find out tomorrow, I couldn't help but wonder.

It had to have been one of the slaves, that much I knew.

But I couldn't for the life of me figure out why.

Why would someone drug her, but not touch her?

Why would someone drug her in the first place?

Maybe, hopefully, Khloe remembered at least something about the person that gave her that drink.

My eyes snapped down to her the moment her heartbeat began to speed up, followed by her body shifting uncomfortably.

I drew my hand away from her to let her do whatever her body was doing before figuring out why it was doing it.

But before her body stilled, her eyes shot open and she was scrambling out of the bed and into the bathroom at a pace I didn't think was possible for her.

The sound of her throwing up into the toilet followed soon after.

I sighed quietly in relief.

That was probably for the best.

Even though that wouldn't completely get rid of the effects of whatever she drank, it was a good start.

I swung my legs over the bed before standing and making my way over to follow her.

She threw up twice more before I reached her, kneeling down beside her.

I said nothing as I rubbed between her shoulders, her breaths heaving and ragged as she clutched tight onto the seat of the toilet.

I figured just being here with her right now was the most I could do at the moment

Her eyes were completely round as sweat dripped from her forehead.

I felt the back of her neck, seeing how her body temperature seemed to have gotten higher.

Her body got rid of a good amount of the drug, now it just has to fight off the rest.

She threw up one last time before she relaxed against the toilet seat, shakily trying to catch her breath.

I took that as my cue.

Slowly, I hooked my arm around her shoulder and pulled her back so she was leaning against me.

She wriggled to the best of her ability to try to get me to stop.

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