Chapter 47

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A/N: This chapter was originally supposed to be longer, but I decided to post it how it is now before my writing gets delayed further from finals and moving back home.

Khloe's POV

I sat quietly on Nico's bed as he got ready for his departure to the northern pack of vampires.

He was supposed to leave in about thirty minutes, leaving him to hurriedly get ready since he'd procrastinated on it up until now.

Absentmindedly kicking my leg that dangled from the edge of the bed, I leaned back and set my palms on the bed for support.

"Do you know when you'll be back tomorrow?" I asked as soon as he stepped out of the bathroom.

Even though the actual signing of the treaty wasn't until tomorrow, Nico still had to look the part as the prince who was representing the Lord during the entire trip.

Thus explaining the beautifully tailored suit he wore, and the deep purple tie that seemed to make his eyes pop more than they already did.

It also explained the small pony-tail he put his hair in, save for the few strands in the front that wasn't quite long enough.

"Hopefully around three or four," he replied before falling back onto the bed beside me.

I turned my head to face him as he stretched his arms over his head before he laid his head on his hands.


I would think that Nico of all people would know the exacts of how this trip was going to happen.

I guess his father didn't exactly fill him in on every detail.

That or Nico just didn't want to listen to the details.

Both seemed possible.

"Yeah, the actual signing is supposed to happen at noon, so I'm hoping that I can just leave directly after that."

He lifted a hand from beside his head and held it out to me, gesturing for me to lay with him before he had to go.

I did just that, scooting back and laying my head on his chest.

"Did you guys decide if Doe was gonna come over while I'm gone?"

I lightly drew my fingers down the smooth fabric of his suit.

"Yeah, she said that she'll probably come by later in the night for a while. She wants me to paint on her back, so that's really all we have planned."

"What? But you haven't even painted mine yet." He whined, almost sounding jealous.

I giggled at his tone, lifting myself up a bit so I was laying with my arms folded atop his chest.

"I would do it tonight, but you have other plans," I teased.

"I wouldn't call them plans, more like nuisances," he countered, his voice still showing how much he was dreading this trip.

He had already voiced how he felt about the northern pack many times, never having said one positive thing about them.

I came to agree with him by the end of it.

"How about when you get back then?" I offered, pushing myself up so I was hovering above him, "That way you have something to look forward to."

Slowly, his scowl turned into a grin as he just looked over my face, his hand sliding from my waist to my hip.

"Just knowing that you'll be here is enough to look forward to, but I'll definitely take you up on that offer."

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