Chapter 77

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Khloe's POV:

"All admit, the plan was bad, to begin with, and I somehow managed to make it even worse. It fell apart in a second which lead me to improvise in the only way I could think. But I'll explain it from the begining for you, Khloe." The Lord began.

I glanced at Caroline's cross-armed posture beside me, her expression not changing except for a single raised eyebrow, and a subtle nod at the mention of a full explanation.

He leaned forward, pressing the fingertips of his hands against the other ones, his attention turning to me

"With all that we had done previously, we knew that Nico was suspicious of us, or mostly just me in trying to reach you. Like I said before, we had a hunch, but we didn't know exactly what was going on between you two, and we didn't want to blow anything out of proportion if you did in fact just happen to be a pet. "

Caroline spoke this time.

"We've known for a while that Nicolas is stubborn and often won't ask for assistance even from the people closest to him, and even with a topic such as you two. Even if we offered the Help, I doubt he would have taken it, because it seemed like he was skeptical whenever it came down to you."

I just blinked as she turned towards me.

"If we had asked about you two; If we had just simply asked if you two were together, what would he had said?"

"He would have denied it," The answer came quickly from me.

I knew he wouldn't have admitted it, he was too wary.

He was insistent and careful about making sure the secret stayed between us, especially towards his parents.

Caroline just nodded, as if a guess she had made earlier was correct.

"How did you even know about us?" I asked.

The Lord this time.

"We didn't, at least not for a little bit. I received a letter from Lord Bronwyn about a week after you arrived explaining a seemingly dramatized situation between his daughter and Nico, and an odd behavior shown between him and his pet. From there we discussed and came to the idea that maybe there was something going on between you two, but as you said, we couldn't just ask him, so I had to come up with something else."

He leaned back, trying to recall something for a second.

"From there I tried to use the dates I had already set him on as an advantage. Seeing his reactions to any of them, and sending a slave of mine to see yours as well."

My eyes widened a bit as it finally clicked as to why the boy who took me up to the Lord's chambers.

Even through the foggy memories, I knew it was him that drugged me that night.

"We knew that we weren't going to get any direct answers from him, so you were our next best bet." He chewed his bottom lip almost guiltily before he finished, "The way we went about trying to get that information from you wasn't the best, and despite telling you there were no bad intentions behind it doesn't make up for it, but I promise I will in the future."

Again, I just nodded.

He continued.

"Once that failed, we had to come up with something else, which failed again when Nico sent Xander in his stead, and at that point, Nico was getting suspicious. He had captured my slave, and gotten enough information out of him to pit me as the source of it. At that point, I knew Nico had established me as the bad guy, and once that was in his mind, there was no getting it out... So I used it to my advantage to try to draw the proof out of him. We've argued enough before for me to know that he doesn't think before he speaks when he's upset, so I tried to use that."

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