Chapter 50

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Nico's POV:

I sat at the edge of the table, watching Khloe and Doe as they enjoyed their breakfast.

Marcus was supposed to be here soon, so I wanted to make sure these two were safe before I lead him off to have a little chat.

I felt responsible for Doe as well since I was the reason for Xander's absence, so I tried to convince Khloe to stick with her today until Xander came back.

Luckily Khloe didn't ask a lot of questions last night.

After I locked away the boy that tried to break in, I had to linger outside my door for a while before I deemed myself calm enough to show myself to her again.

I didn't want her knowing what had happened. The last thing I wanted was for her to worry.

She's done enough of that in her life.

So, I just told her it was a mishap with the cleaning crew and that I got it all sorted out.

She fell back asleep soon after, but I couldn't for the life of me.

I may have calmed myself down enough to look calm physically, but my instincts were still going wild at the fact that there was a threat.

A threat that just happened to be my father.

Which was one of the main reasons I was keeping the master key with me at all times from now on.

All three sets of eyes turned towards the door as Marcus staggered into the kitchen.

From first glance, he looked like he got about as much sleep as I did last night.

He seemed to spot the girls before he spotted me, his whole demeanor switching to that of fear for a quick second.

Impressively, he managed to cover it up moderately well as the girls greeted him and invited him over to join.

He hesitated a response, eyes flickering to me as I stood.

"Actually," I began, putting on a cheerful facade of my own, "Marcus and I need to discuss something," I said before exchanging goodbyes.

My plan was for me to get this done and then whatever work I have to do by the time Xander returned so I could have Khloe be with me

The absolute last thing I needed was for her to be alone at all.

With the company of Doe and Lily, for now, that was enough.

I heard him gulp as I began to approach him.

"Is he the only threat?" I questioned just loud enough for Marcus to hear once I reached him.

I needed to know that besides my father, that boy was all I had to worry about.

"Yes," Marcus squeaked out.

I was already listening for any sign of dishonesty.

"Good," I finished, placing my hand on his back to lead him out.

That seemed to spike his panic, his entire body tightening.

He trailed behind me as I walked back to my room, wanting this conversation to be as confidential as I could possibly control.

I could feel my own anger begin to steadily rise as the seconds passed, my unsurety getting the best of me.

Frankly, yes, I was pissed at Marcus, and I'm sure he knew it.

I didn't even have to look at him to be able to tell.

The sound of his speeding heart rate and quick breaths were telling enough.

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