Chapter 29

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Marcus' POV:

I'm sure my face was paper white at this point.

Carlo left soon after he told me, not saying anything else except that he'd come by after dinner.

I just stayed put here, my mind racing with a new light to the situation I was really in.

There wasn't a single doubt in my mind that I would die a very slow, very painful death if I was sent back, only after Lord Bronwyn was done with me.

My stomach turned violently at the thought, the memories of what he put me through flashing through my mind.

My hand reached up to cover my mouth in an effort to regain control of my breathing.

I couldn't do that again.

I placed my hands on the wall behind me, shakily rising to my feet.

Nico... Nico could get me out of this, right?

He brought me here for a reason, he wouldn't just let me get sent back... Right?

Although, he was just a Prince, and no matter what Nico may want, Lord Vanderwood had the final say.

If he really wanted to send me back he could.

I turned, placing my hand on the doorknob and opened the door.

Regardless, I needed to talk to Nico, tell him what's going on and-


If I explained everything that happened, given how pissed he is, then he'd definitely go after Carlo.

And I don't think I could live with that.

I owed Nico my life, but now my life was being held with the fact of whether or not Carlo gets what he needed.

Jesus, what the hell kind of situation was it in?

I quickly made my way down the hall.

Two months. Best case scenario I had two months.

Two months where either Carlo gets what he needs or he doesn't and I'm as good as dead.

None of these options were favorable and I shouldn't shake the thought that Khloe was in danger.

I paused in front of the elevator.

No. I had to tell Nico. Tell him at least something.

Not the whole story, just a part for now.

Just enough to put Khloe out of immediate danger.

Worst comes to worst I'll explain everything but I wanted to make sure I've thought this through in a way that ensures that no one comes out of this hurt.


Nico's POV:

I rubbed my eyes as is stepped back into my room, trying to find some sort of relief in the conversation I just had with Marcus.

He didn't give me a name or a reason, but he told me that Khloe was safe concerning why she was drugged, but that I should keep her close just to be safe.

His words were determined and confident. They held enough force behind them that I knew he was speaking the truth.

He then told me he would keep looking into what was going on and fill me in if anything came up.

The safest she could be was in this room, but I didn't want to keep her confined. The exact reason I wanted to be here was so she didn't have to be.

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