Chapter 84

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Nico's POV:

The sound of my cell door opening awoke me from my restless sleep.

It felt too early for Xander to be here, but my sense of time had definitely been skewed from being down here.

I peered my eyes open, being met with the stone walls of the cell.

"Well, It's nice to see that you actually put yourself on the bed this time," His voice spoke from behind me.

His tone was odd.

The quiet and consoling undertones weren't there anymore.

I pushed myself up a bit and turned, seeing as he approached me with his hands on his pockets.

His expression was different too.

Overall there was a contentedness, but still a slight excitement in his eyes.

I rose a brow at this before speaking.

"It got cold last night." Is all I responded, moving the wing that was on top of me off.

It was cold every night, but I guess this one was the night where my body decided to care.

Plus now that I was actually eating, it decited to care about a lot again.

After that little blood fiasco with Xander, my intention seemed to have changed.

My sorrow split into anger, and for that, I needed my strength.

I sat up, hanging my feet over to touch the floor and look at him properly.

Once I did, I noticed that the cell door was still open.

"Leave that open for a reason?" I asked monotonously, stretching my wings and arms up.

His smile widened for just barely a second.

"Yes, actually," He responded, lifting a separate key from his pocket, "I'm getting you out of here."

I don't think I gave him the reaction he wanted, judging by the prompt sagging of his shoulders.

I didn't give him a reaction at all, just blinked at him in silence for a few seconds.

"Why?" I asked.

This all just seemed out of the blue, and at the current moment, I really didn't trust anything despite who it was coming from.

Especially with that weird smile he had on his face.

He sighed and stood in front of me, grabbing one of my hands and using the new key to begin unlocking it.

"Look, you're not gonna be happy about this, but I need you to trust me, he began, building my suspicions even more now, "Dad needs to see you."

I immediately drew my hand back, pupils thinning and claws extending on instinct.

Even my wings rose.

Xander's eyes just rounded, a slight panic adding to his features.

"You have to be fucking kidding me," I snarled, the anger that's been growing beginning to show itself.

Why the hell would he walk in here smiling just to tell me that.

He looked to be struggling for words for a moment.

"Look, I cant tell you why, but I can assure you that this will go just fine." He settled with.

"And I can assure you that looking at the man that killed Khloe will not go over just fine," I spat.

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