Chapter 11

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Khloe's POV:

I stared at myself intently through the bathroom mirror.

The mirror that stretched across the entire wall save for where the sink and cabinets were.

I guess something like this would be expected in a bathroom with a shower that could easily hold 8 people and a completely separate room to a private bathhouse.

The life living among royalty was not yet one that I was used to, nor did I think I was going to be any time soon.

I took a step closer to the mirror, lifting up my shirt to above my stomach

Ever since my conversation with Lily a couple days ago, I guess I began to focus more on what my body looked like.

My eyes skimmed over the bandages that still covered part of my torso.

I remembered back before that whole incident,  had just gotten to the point where you could no longer see any indentation from my ribs when I stood normally.

Although according to that comment from Lily, I was still a bit too skinny.

I turned my body, now looking at myself from the side.

I guess she was right. I still had a ways to go to fully recover what had happened to my body all those years in the pet shop.

I knew that I had definitely come a long way already ever since Nico purchased me.

Proportionately, I could tell that I had gained some weight all over my body. My skin and my hair had become brighter and softer. Those dark marks under my eyes were completely gone.

I could even tell that my height had increased since that day.

I remember looking at myself in the mirror the day Nico took me home and being absolutely stunned at what I looked like.

That mixed with the blood and dirt covering basically my whole body, the tender skin on my neck from that wretched collar.

All of which just seems like a blur of a memory now.

A sigh escaped me as I dropped my hold on my shirt.

I had come a long way, that's for sure, but I still now couldn't understand how Nico was attracted to me.

Let alone how he was apparently attracted to me before he actually admitted it.

I looked myself from head to toe, a small frown settling on my face.

Compared to the vampiric, human, and the fictional woman and girls I've seen or read about in the castle library... compared to all of them, I wasn't inherently... sexy.

Breasts, butt, thighs, and hips. Those were the four components that guys find sexual attraction to according to the books I've read.

I turned my body to different angles, trying to get the best view of my body.

My shoulders slumped.

Despite everything that's happened since my purchase, I didn't really have any of those things.

My breasts only barely qualified for a B cup, and my thighs and butt weren't anything spectacular.

My hips added a small curve from my waist, but that's about all I had going for me.

It felt weird looking at myself like this. I had never really focused on something like this before.

I wondered what Nico thought about me in this aspect.

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