Chapter 89

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Khloe's POV:

I awoke automatically at the sound of the door to the room opening.

My eyelids parted just enough to see the outline of Nico walk into the room, gently closing the door behind him before walking into his closet.

Despite the fact that I had been asleep, it still didn't feel like he had been gone for that long.

Which kind of made me feel guilty for making him go alone.

Even though he was the one who insisted that I rest.

Since we had a viable future now, I wanted to take that seriously, which included all of the meetings with his parents.

I think he sensed that given the way he insisted that his parents would understand my absence.

I guess I just wanted to jump into things even though I physically couldn't.

Not yet anyway.

I wanted to be liked by his family, and show them that I could fit the job that they needed me to fill when the time came.

They needed him to take their place soon, so I think I was just worried about not physically being able to meet whatever deadline they'd set.

I let out a small sigh, hugging the pillow I had in Nico's absence closer to me.

Why did I suddenly just feel so impatient?

I knew that I needed to let myself rest and that it was going to take a while to learn everything that I needed to.

I guess now that my life had a good amount of certainty to it, I wanted to get started as quickly as I could.

Still, when I talked or even looked at Nico... The way he looked at me... I could just tell that I was the only one in this rush.

He looked at me like I was his world, like he couldn't care less what our situation was.

As long as we had each other, we'd be absolutely fine.

Of course, I felt that too, but there was still this lingering thought in my mind.

It was just an ongoing battle in my mind that I hoped would be over soon.

I lifted my head a bit as he walked out of his closet, now in something much more comfortable.

That same look crossed his features as he met my gaze, tossing away the blankets so he could scoot up next to me.

I discarded the pillow I was holding so he could take its place, sliding my arms under his shirt to feel his warmth as soon as he was close enough.

I basked in his scent as he got himself situated, wrapping both of my legs around one of his.

I swear he was the only thing that actually gave me enough warmth to feel comfortable.

He let out a quiet snicker at my actions.

"That didn't take long," My quiet voice spoke as my eyes closed again on their own.

His hand began gently running through my hair.

"No. They just wanted to cover the basics with me, and just let me know what to expect from now on."

There wasn't that usual edge he held before whenever he talked about a conversation with his parents.

I hadn't even realized it was there in the first place, but now that it was gone, it was nice.

It was calming.

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