Chapter 76

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Khloe's POV:

There was a silence from Caroline as I just stared wide-eyed at the words I never would have imagined the Lord saying.

I had so many questions and concerns, but couldn't find it in me to voice them yet.

Finally, she spoke.

"I figured that much, but I have yet to understand what could have possibly gone so wrong that our son ended up in the cells." Her voice was calm yet had a distinct edge to it that reminded me of Nico whenever he was upset.

The cells?!

That thought brought back the tension in my body, bringing with it that deafening sound the light gave off until I forced relaxation again.

I looked towards the Lord for an answer.

He actually hesitated for a few seconds, his next words coming quietly.

"Both of our sons, actually." He admitted, already bracing for his wife's reaction.

And boy, did it come quickly.

"What do you mean both!?" She exclaimed, finally rising to her feet.

The Lord made quick work walking over to reach her, gently setting his hands on her shoulders.

"I don't know either, "He began, "The guards returned and reported that Alexander demanded to be put in with him."

Caroline sighed again, running a hand down her face as she seemed to have calmed a bit.

"I can only imagine he had good intentions, so maybe it's a good thing," She said, mostly sounding like she was trying to convince herself, "Still, you have so much explaining to do."

"I know, I know, but first she's okay?," his eyes turned towards me, "You're okay?"

I drew back a bit at the attention

"I-I uh," How on earth was I supposed to answer that?!

I thought he was going to kill me not too long ago, turns out I'm in the process of turning into a vampire, and Nico and Xander are locked away!

"Sorry," he began again stepping past caroline towards me, "Stupid question, and I'm very sorry about the scare earlier, I tried to heal any injury that may have caused you, but if you feel anything else please let me know."

Again, I didn't know how to respond, and luckily I don't think he was expecting one.

He turned back to Caroline.

"Is the first change complete?"

She nodded, walking over to the bed to sit next to me, and offered him the chair she was in earlier.

He took it.

I felt my heart speed up at the mention of my transformation.

"The first is complete and according to what I've researched, the next one should begin within the hour." She explained, a slightly uncomfortable look crossing her face as she turned to face me.

"That one is said to be the worst one."

I felt my stomach turn.

"W-what changes in that one, and what's changed already?" I asked.

I already figured out the advanced hearing, and my lowered body temperature, but with a quick inspection, I didn't feel any fangs.

I looked towards the Lord for an answer.

He actually let out a small laugh at this.

"We both looked into this process the moment we had suspicions about you and Nicolas, I learned the proper way to pull it off, and she learned how it worked," he said.

I turned in time to see her nod.

"This process isn't well recorded, and because of that, I might not have all of the exact answers. From what I understand the first stage dealt with a decent portion of the internal working of your body. That being the advancement of your senses, hearing, sight, and smell, as well as the cooler temperature of your body."

I remembered her touch feeling warm and for a split second, I wondered if Nico was going to feel warm too.

"The second stage was said to be the worst because it deals with the more physical and outward workings of your body. Your bones will harden, fangs will appear, organs will shift and change and your completion will pail. As far as I understand, that's when your blood thirst will appear as well. It's recorded to have been a very excruciating process, but that's why I won't be leaving your side, and I'll try to make you as comfortable as possible during this."

For some reason, I was blushing at her words.

"Thank you," I muttered out.

She nodded with that soft smile.

"As for the third, that's when the vampiric instincts will make their way to your brain, tying together every change that's happened prior and you'll experience basically the effects of a bloodmoon. After that, it'll be complete."

It sounded simple enough, but there was still lingering nervousness.

This is what I had wanted.

This is what Nico and I discussed.

Still, I could feel the anxiety creeping up on me.

In all honestly, I was scared.

I was going through all of these changes with two unfamiliar people.

Granted that Caroline was beyond sweet, and Daniel did a full 180, it was still strange going through this without Nico.

"Can I see him?" I asked, the words coming out pitiful.

They knew who I meant and I watched both of them physically deflate as Caroline set her hand on my head.

"I'm afraid not, sweetie. The bonds vampires create when they're in love are strange and not something that we fully understand. I'm sure you've experienced some changes as you and Nico came together?"

I just nodded again.

"We believe it comes from the feral sides of us that we don't have much knowledge of, but two vampires that share that kind of connection can often aid the other during a time of distress just by being there. Somehow it physically slows down the inner workings of us in order to ease stress and help us relax. The small amount of vampirism that's growing in you right is going to have to work insanely hard to change you, and we fear that through the connection you two have, that his aid will end up hurting more than helping. If he tried, the vampirism in you would most likely stop or slow down its workings at the relief at his presence, which could end up," She paused for a moment, "Fatal. Interrupting this change in any way was only seen to end terribly, and I don't want to take that chance."

I just stared.

Holy crap this was so much to take in.

I fidgeted with my hands underneath the blanket, reassuring myself that everything would be easier after this.

Everything would be easier than its ever been with us.

"How long does it take?" I asked.

"We don't know for sure, the first and second phase come pretty close together, but the third... It could take anywhere between a couple days to a week. But we'll be here every step of the way."

I found a small comfort from that, realizing that I probably couldn't have anyone better to look after me during this.

Even if I did long for Nico...

"Is... Nico okay?" I turned towards the Lord, watching his lips press together tight.

"Yes, Daniel would you like to finally explain to us just what you put him through?"

He switched looks between the two of us before letting out a sigh of defeat.


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