Chapter 75

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Xander's POV:

I practically threw my door open once I reached it.

Thankfully I spotted Doe right away, watching her pause midway to wherever she was going once she saw me.

I just barely got out a sigh of relief and she barely called out my name before I scooped her into my arms.

She sighed my name again into my shoulder, one hand against my back and the other in my hair.

She was here. She has here and untouched.

That fact diminished a good portion of my worry, but not all of it.

"Thank god you're okay," I whispered.

"Thank god I'm okay?" She upbraided, holding me tighter, "What happened to you? They... they let you out?"

She just pulled back just enough to look at me, that same uncertain look in her eye from last time.

Her cheeks were puffy and eyes red, showing the kind of night she had without me.

I rubbed my hand up and down her back.

"Kind of," I began, "My father needed to speak with me, but I wanted to make sure that you were okay first."

I took a second to look around the room, "Where's Marcus?"

She simply pointed towards the bathroom, the switch of attention allowing me to hear the running water of the shower.

"He's been in there for a while. I think he's been taking this whole thing very personally," She explained.

I looked towards the bathroom door before returning my focus back to her and the way she buried herself against me again.

"Why does the Lord need you?" she asked tentatively.

"I don't know," I answered, hating that I didn't have any answers lately, "All I heard was that it was urgent, so I'll have to go soon. The last thing I want is to piss him off after-" I stopped, not wanting to say it out loud.

She curled uncomfortably against me.

"Please be careful Alex. I-I don't think I could handle it if you- if anything happened to you too."

I brushed back her hair, leaning down to place a soft kiss on her lips.

"I promise, and the same goes for you. I need to look after Nico, but I'll be back after I'm done with my dad for a minute. I'll keep you safe."

Well, depending on whatever he wants from me.

She didn't reply, just gave me a slight nod.

I was about to release her, but a sudden, frantic knock at my door caused me to do the opposite.

It also spiked her worry a very great deal.

Who the hell was that?

Doe and I looked at each other silently before I released her and walked wearily to the door, using every sense I could to decipher who it was.

I got nothing.

Damn these stupid walls.

When I finally opened the door, it felt like my heart stopped dead in my chest.

"Dad?!" The word came out more surprised than I wanted it to.

The terrified gasp that came from Doe summed up my thoughts pretty well.

My brain was rushing too much to allow a coherent thought to come out of my mouth, so he spoke first.

"What part of urgent do you not understand?" He asked before gripping my wrist.

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