Chapter 85

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Nico's POV:

I didn't hesitate for a second after my mother's offer, scooping Khloe back into my arms and immediately down to our room.

I needed to be alone with her.

Partially for my own sanity.

And apparently, hers as well as I felt her let out a short sigh at the realization that we were away from everyone,

The room was cleaner than it was the last time I saw it, but I didn't stop to examine it.

I headed straight towards my bed, setting us in the same position we were in prior on the edge of it.

It was the easiest position where I could both keep her close and get a good look at her.

A better look at her without the other eyes on us.

Except when I attempted to lean back to do as I had planned, Khloe's hold on me tightened.

"Wait," Her voice spoke softly, her hold around my neck shifting as she buried herself deeper into my shoulder, "Just give me a few more seconds like this."

I smiled, wrapping one arm around her waist, and the other around her back to hold to her shoulder, "Anything you need, sweetheart,"

We held each other for more than just a few seconds, basking in the feeling of the other.

I took the time to focus on the new chill her skin had, and the slightly different scent she carried as a different species.

Even focus in on the new workings of her body, the heartbeat that was so much quieter, and the relaxed breaths that she was exhaling onto my neck.

One of her hands slowly moved up the back of my neck and into my hair, the rest of her body seeming like it was trying to get even closer to me.

"You're so warm now," She said, her fingers splaying out against my skin.

I knew she had to be freezing.

With the body of a new vampire, she would be for a while.

But until she was a high power royal with me, I'll always be warmer to her.

Which was actually something I was happy about.

I could finally repay her for her lending me her warmth every day prior to this.

I brought my hand up off of the gown she wore and to the back of her neck, allowing her to feel more of it.

"I'll get warmer than this for you, just give me some time to recover."

I still wasn't really back to my full self after almost dying in those cells.

She paused for a moment, head drawing away from me to meet my eye.

"Recover?" the concern in her voice oddly made me feel guilty.

But I didn't want to tell her what had happened.

Not now anyway.

"Yeah, I wasn't really doing too well down in those cells," Was all I said, trying to ease up the sudden seriousness.

But her look never swayed, and that mixed with her touch eventually caused me to speak.

"I thought you were dead, Khloe," I croaked, "I thought that I lost you forever and I didn't know what to do with myself. There wasn't a single second that I wasn't thinking about you, aching with the fact that I thought I'd never see you again, or cursing myself for letting you get in that situation in the first place."

I stopped, taking a moment to gently trail my fingers against the side of the neck that I thought snapped.

She shivered at the touch, but didn't retaliate as I used my other hand to move her left arm before intertwining my hand with her own.

We both looked down to see the rings side by side.

"I thought I'd lost the only thing in this world that I'd grown to love. Little did I know that she was fighting so damn hard without me to return to me again." I finished

She let out a little laugh that ended with a sniffle, wiping at her eyes.

She then leaned forward until our foreheads touched.

"That though was the only thing that got me through this," She began, "Every time it got hard, every time the pain became too much to handle or too terrifying to bare, I had to remind myself what I was doing this for. I had to remind myself that it would be worth it in the end."

I held her tighter at the thought of her doing all of that.

How scared she must have been.

And how unbelievably proud I was that she accomplished it.

Bringing my free hand up to her head, I gently maneuvered us both until our lips met after what had felt like forever.

The kiss was a tender one, soft and mellow.

One that fit the relieving feel of this whole reunion.

But I think it'll be the one that I'll cherish for the rest of my life.

The first kiss we shared as a couple that no longer needed to hide.

That no longer needed to fear.

A small breath escaped both of us as we parted.

"I love you."

Both of our eyes widened and met each others as we realized we had spoken at the same time.

At the same time again, we broke into a quiet fit of laughter.

I didn't even realize the quiet crackling sound of her purr until the laughter stopped.

She paused as soon as she felt it, her hand placing itself on her chest to feel it.

Her eyes went wide with excitement as she realized what it was.

As did mine as I promptly pulled her to me again to feel it.

It was a light purr, only loud enough to hear it if you were close, but in an odd way, it fit her.

And the feel of it caused mine to begin as well.

She let out a hum at the sensation of both of them together.

I'll admit, I was a fan of it too.

"I forgot that I'd be able to do this too," She said, "It feels nice."

"I'll make sure there's a lot more where that came from," I replied, dropping my head to her shoulder.

In time though, I knew that these next few days were going to be interesting for her.

I placed a couple more kisses on her neck before speaking.

"I know you're probably exhausted. Do you want to rest?"

I felt her shake her head.

"Honestly I've kind of perked up ever since being with you again," She responded, "I probably have a few more hours."

I lifted myself back up.

"Then do you want to get yourself comfortable in the covers? I've been in that cell for days and I want to take a shower before you need to feed on me."

The corners of my lips lifted a bit at the blush that spread across her face after I said that last part.

Especially when her eyes trailed down to my neck.

"Or we can use the bathhouse," I offered instead, "It'll warm you up, plus I want to hear every detail about your shift."

That one did seem a lot more preferable.

I wanted her comfortable, but I also didn't want her out of my sight as of right now.

Her eyes looked over towards the bathroom before giving me a nod, "Sounds good to me."

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