Chapter 66

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Marcus' POV:

I stood patiently outside of Nico's room, waiting to be let in.

Nico had been summoned by the Lord and thus wanted me to stand by, but told me Khloe would let me in when she was ready.

Something about her being 'indecent'.

Which I didn't really mind, but being alone out here while Nico was out discussing with the lord made getting lost in my worries a little too easy.

Something in the pit of my gut was telling me that it had to be something about the whole fiasco that had been going on lately, and I just hoped whatever it was didn't make this situation any worse.

Khloe and I left in two days.

Which didn't seem like much but right now it felt like it was just enough time for things to go wrong.

Not that I wanted to leave any sooner, or at all.

I was just caught in the middle of what I wanted, and what needed to be done given the circumstances.

My back rested against the large door, eyes prowling the surrounding area for anything suspicious.

I really felt like I needed to talk to Khloe. To at least discuss what our life was about to turn into.

I didn't know how to live amongst the free humans, let alone live that kind of life.

She was born into that world so at least she had some sort of experience.

I think I really just wanted to see if she was as nervous about this as I was.

She trusted Nico and his decisions.

So did I, but trust didn't exactly counteract nerves.

I rose my arms in a stretch, trying to exhale some of my current worries with it.

I rested my head back as well, staring up at the intricate ceiling.

At some point, I think you just have to accept that some things are out of your hands.

Maybe one day I'll get there.

The sounds of footsteps caused me to turn my head to where they were coming from.

A little flicker of relief went through me at the thought of Nico's conversation already being settled and over.

I think that's the quickest conversation they've ever had.

I pushed myself off of the door, taking a step forward with the intent of giving a greeting.

Except everything in my body changed drastically once I saw who turned the corner.

Our expression had to have mirrored each other, his brown eyes staring wide, almost painfully as he spotted me where I was.

I took a step back towards the door, my throat running dry.

Carlo paused for a moment, looking me over before he looked past me at the door.

There's no way. There's no way he's attempting this now!

I returned the favor, looking for any sign on him of something that would give away that that was his current intentions.

Oddly enough, I saw nothing. Nothing in his hands, and nothing substantial in the pockets I could see.

I saw a bit of discomfort come over his face as he cursed under his breath and resumed his steps over towards me.

His steps weren't rushed or filled with purpose, but almost slower than his usual gait.

Love & LossOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora