14 - you

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Chapter Fourteen

Klaus was woken up by kisses being peppered onto his neck

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Klaus was woken up by kisses being peppered onto his neck. When his eyes finally flutter open, with a moan, he found Nora smiling at him. "Good morning," she whispered.

She laid fully on top of Klaus while one of his arms wrapped lazily around her waist, the other on her back. "Good morning, beautiful," he whispered back, morning voice and all. It made her smile.

She leaned her head onto his bare chest again, not listening to his heartbeat but the flow of his blood. She thought the flow of blood signified life more than the faint heartbeat vampires carried. "How long have you been awake?" Klaus asked with his eyes closed again, not really wanting to ruin this peaceful moment.

The sun had just barely come over the horizon, making it around six in the morning. An hour he wasn't usually awake at. "A while. Sorry for waking you, but you just looked so kissable."

Klaus smiled and gently pulled her head up for a kiss, sighing in contentment. He would never get enough of her taste, her kisses, her touch, her scent. Maybe it was just her in general. "You have nothing to be sorry for."

Before Nora-Naomi laid her head down again she just stared at her boyfriend. His hair was a complete mess but in an adorable way. Dirty blonde curls fell almost to his eyes, accented by the deep blue of them. Scruff surrounded his oh-so-perfect lips.

Klaus pulled them both up and leaned his back against the headboard, Nora still straddling him. She gently kissed his neck before leaning her head on his shoulder. "I want to tell you something." Nora started.

Klaus hummed for her to continue and so she did after a small sigh. "You make me feel... alive. I'll catch myself smiling when hearing your name, or being excited to see you again. I do love you, Niklaus Mikaelson. I just want you to know that."

Klaus smiled wide and held her waist just a tiny bit tighter. "You don't know how happy it makes me to hear that. Say it again?"

"I love you," Nora stated, meaning it to the fullest. She had pulled back to look him in the eye.

"And I love you."

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Nora swung her legs off the kitchen island while Klaus cooked. He had insisted he do it, even after she started stealing strawberries. "I never asked you how you stood awake after being injected with that amount of vervain." Shit.

"It's a talent me and a couple of other buddies have acquired. It comes in handy when Breech isn't around," she said. She didn't answer Klaus' question on purpose. She had a gut feeling that telling him she was a vampire experiment for almost eleven years would ruin the happiness streak they've got going.

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