7 - pain from deceit

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Chapter Seven
ᴘᴀɪɴ ғʀᴏᴍ ᴅᴇᴄᴇɪᴛ

Chapter Seven ᴘᴀɪɴ ғʀᴏᴍ ᴅᴇᴄᴇɪᴛ

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The only word running through Nora's head as she looked at her desiccated best friend. She took a step back, just staring. She must've been hallucinating.

Klaus heard her increased heartbeat, "Something wrong?" He asked, concerned. She shook her head.

"Time to wake up, then, little sister," Klaus said, turning to run a thumb over his sister's check. Nora had taken a few more steps backward, her face stoic, but head swarming.

This new revelation definitely made sense, Nora hadn't killed Rebekah since Rebekah was un-killable. She's an original and could only be killed with white oak. If only she had known that.

"Any day now, Rebekah." He glances at the two vampires beside him, "She's being dramatic."

"Look, why don't you just tell me what the hell is going on." The Salvatore vampire says, crossing his arms. "I mean, you obviously want us here for a reason, right?"

Nora perched up at her involvement and Klaus smiled at her, not sensing her distress. "Well, you have many useful talents."

"Do I?" Stefan mocked, clearly over Klaus' vagaries.

"In fact," Klaus turned to him like he had just remembered something. "I learned some of my favorite tricks from you."

Klaus then preceded to tell the story of Stefan having some man drink his wife's blood. Of course, they would bond over the torture of innocents.

After the story was done, much to Nora's relief, they started to walk toward the exit. Nora wanted one more look at her friend, and when Klaus saw her dragging behind, he grabbed her hand gently. "Come along, love."

"When she wakes, tell her to meet us at Gloria's bar, then volunteer your carotid artery and let her feed until you die," Klaus spoke to the compelled security guard.

"Where are you going?" Stefan asked. Klaus smiles.

"You think I'm lying, Stefan. You and I knew each other, you trusted me with one of your secrets, and now I'm going to prove it to you."


"We're going to your old apartment."

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Nora's hand was still in Klaus' as they reached the apartment. She had tried to let go, but he had gripped her slightly tighter. Was that because he feared she wouldn't stay with him, or because he liked holding her hand?

Klaus slammed open the apartment door dramatically. "Do you feel that? Is anybody here?" He inquired, releasing Nora's hand, and turning to look at Stefan.

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