2 - death's door

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Chapter Two
Dᴇᴀᴛʜ's Dᴏᴏʀ

Chapter TwoDᴇᴀᴛʜ's Dᴏᴏʀ

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Four hours. That's how long Naomi was unconscious.

She turned around because she heard a howl. The sky was now dark and the only light was coming from the full moon. But even with her supernatural vision, she didn't like how dark it had become. She quickly grabbed her bag and started to head to the boarding house. She didn't fancy being bit by a werewolf tonight.

Then Nora heard panting from her left. Quickly, she came face to face with a dark-colored werewolf who was baring its teeth. She tried to get away, kicking up dirt in her attempt to flee, but the creature was a step ahead of her. It pounced, pinning her to the ground.

He was snapping at her, baring his teeth. She had the wolf held by his shoulders as she rolled over and slammed him onto the ground. His hind legs kicked her in the stomach, disorienting her long enough for him to get a bite in.

She had been bit by a werewolf. Presumably Tyler Lockwood. The only werewolf in town.

And now she remembered.

She had been thrown into a tree, rendering her unconscious and because of the venom in her system, she hadn't woken up until now.

"Dammit." She muttered. Tonight was supposed to be uneventful, besides the inevitable ritual. Her mind scattered, looking for knowledge of a cure. Werewolf bites are lethal to vampires, and dying was not something Nora wanted to do anytime time soon.

Maybe Bonnie could find something for her.

She headed through the woods to find herself at the Salvatore mansion. Hoping someone was home, Nora trailed to the front door, ready to open it. Before she could Damon and John walked out.

"Where the hell have you been, Naomi? I called you, like, eighty times. Klaus has got Elena. Saving her is priority, let's go." Damon stressed, not even giving Naomi time to answer his question. He was worried and preoccupied. He always gets tunnel vision when it comes to his loves. Katherine, way back when, was a prime example.

Nora didn't mind, though. It's what made Damon Damon.

"Klaus has Elena? But- " She couldn't even get her sentence out before he was dragging her to the car.

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John Gilbert, Elena's uncle/father, something Nora found a bit hard to follow, wanted to do a spell that would tie Elena's life to his. Damon had impulsively force-fed her his blood, meaning that she'd wake up as a vampire. And that's the last thing John wanted.

Nobody had noticed the bite on her shoulder, too preoccupied with their own troubles to space her any concern. Sometimes being overlooked came in handy. Everyone didn't need to be worrying over her as well during a time like this.

On the ride over to an abandoned witch house, where Bonnie, Jeremy, Alaric, John, herself, and Damon were now located, Damon explained himself further.

Klaus had taken over Alaric's body temporarily, but was now back in his own. He had taken Elena, and something they recently just learned, Jenna as well. She was going to be the vampire in the ritual.

Maybe if it was Damon who was about to be sacrificed, she would have shown more concern, more sympathy. But, these people had no place in Nora-Naomi's heart.

The way Nora didn't care about any of these people was almost sickening. If one didn't know any better, they would think her switch was flipped. This was not the case. She only cared about Damon and slightly Alaric.

In her three-hundred years of life, she learned that being the only immortal is lonely. Everybody around you dies. They grow old as you watch. Society moves on leaving you in the dust.

Thus, she doesn't feel attachments to anyone, for fear of losing them. Especially the ones with short lifespans.

After leaving Jeremy and Alaric trapped in the house, Damon, Bonnie, Nora, and Elijah, set off to the quarry. To kill the hybrid once and for all.

At least, that was the hope.


Now, Nora watched as Bonnie threw, who Nora assumed to be Klaus, back a couple of feet. Damon appeared behind the witch who was casting the ritual's spell and snapped her neck. Jenna lay dead, veiny, and grey while Stefan, lay on the ground helpless, a stake in his back.

Nora ran over to him, pulling out the stake, much to his relief. "I need you to get her out of here," Stefan said to Damon, who was carrying Elena over to them. "I'm not leaving until he's dead."

Damon looked over to Nora, silently begging her to come with him, but she shook her head. She was curious as to how this would all play out. He mutters a curse, holding the doppelgänger tighter so he can speed her away.

"Elijah?" Klaus whispered in disbelief, seeing his older brother with the crowd who was trying to kill him. Never did he think it would come to this.

"Hello, brother." Elijah greeted his soon-to-be-dead sibling, and Nora could just barely make out the strained regret on both originals' faces. He then stabbed his hand into Klaus' chest. The scream of pain made her head dizzy.

This is when the venom effects started to kick in.

Nora stumbled backward, suddenly feeling nauseous. Taking a deep breath, she tried to steady herself. The efforts were futile as she was thrown into a memory.

"Just fix your stance and you'll be perfect." Joshua, her father, said with a smile.  Nora, who was ten at the time, stood in a heavily wooded forest. Her dad was teaching her to throw a blade. "Soon, you shall be better than me." It didn't matter the rarity of a female warrior to Nora Naomi. She did what she wanted when she wanted.

To hell with the consequences.

Nora was pulled out of her thoughts by Stefan.

"Elijah! Don't listen to him." Stefan pleaded.

"I can take you to them." Klaus' strained voice practically begged. "I give you my word brother."

Nora glared at the words coming out of his mouth. He would say just about anything to save himself.

"Do it and I'll take you both out." Bonnie threatened. Backing up her statement, she made wind rustle the leaves. Wanting to remind them of just how powerful she was.

"You'll die," Elijah stated the obvious as if she had forgotten. She didn't.

"I don't care."

"I'm sorry." Was all Elijah said back as he sped off over the quarry, taking his brother with him.

Once the flames settled, they all just kinda stared. They had failed. Their one chance at killing Klaus had just sped off into the abyss.

"Well, so much for his word."

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