27 - cookie?

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Chapter Twenty-Seven

Waking up with Nora in his arms is something he would never tire of

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Waking up with Nora in his arms is something he would never tire of. She was always on top of him, head snugly tucked under his chin. Waking up to the smell of her shampoo was one of the best parts of his day, something he was certain of.

It hit hard, waking up and remembering she wasn't there because of him. She'd looked at him with such fury as the realization of what he did to his sister crossed her face. His love's mind works so beautifully, and he barely had the time to appreciate it before she was up and out of his arms.

Klaus would find her in the window seat more often than not, waiting for him to wake up. Not knowing why, he looked towards her usual stop, not surprised to find it empty.

With a sigh, he listened for her. It wasn't any surprise when he heard knives hitting the target board. She was imagining it to be his face, no doubt.

He quickly got out of bed and dressed, figuring clothes were appropriate for this conversation.

She had heard his shuffling around upstairs, and was only waiting for him to come down. He shuffled in the door almost shyly, and Nora would have found it alluring under different circumstances.

Though with the tilt of her head she concluded that he was nervous for a different reason than she initially thought. She looked away, disappointed. "You don't regret it," she stated, her voice defeated. "I didn't expect you to, but I still thought you'd see enough reason."

Klaus stayed in the doorway. "We'll be fine, love. I'm sure of it."

She hummed noncommittally, throwing another knife from where she sat. She gave a small glance toward him as she went to retrieve it. "Yeah. I'm sure you'll be fine when Silas is making you think you're dying." She pushed herself back up onto the counter. "Because I know I'll be fine when I'm far away from here."

His head snapped up at that, and he pushed off the wall, making his way towards the counter she sat on. "What do you mean far from here? Nora, you don't have to leave. We can talk about this," he said desperately. How pathetic he probably sounded didn't bother him, the thought of Nora being anywhere but with him, did.

She shrugged, "We are talking. And I'm not leaving you, just the area. But I hear Kol's coming tomorrow, so I won't be going any time soon."

The relief he felt almost outweighed the jealousy. Almost. "You've been talking to Kol?"

She nodded, "And Elijah. And Damon, briefly. Enzo texted me too, actually, now that—"

"Nora," Klaus growled, anger hot on his face. "You're mine. One day of not being in my bed couldn't have been enough time for you to forget that." He pulled her roughly to him, guiding her chin for eye contact.

She smiled brightly, "No, you're just hot when angry. You set yourself up by letting your jealousy show. I love you and only you. I could never forget that."

"Good," was murmured against her lips before he roughly connected them.

| Reputation |

"He's gone? No trace?"

"No," Nora sighed. The hunter who'd been chained up in Klaus' dining room had escaped. Nora hadn't been tasked to watch him, something Klaus put the hybrids in charge of, and had no clue why he was being frustrated with her. "Klaus, your hybrids are embarrassing. First, they let Connor go and then they make me call and tell you. An undefeatable army was what you wanted, no?"

"Nora," Klaus warned lightly from all the way in Italy. She hummed in acknowledgment. "What were you doing when my hunter escaped? Not trying to stop him, I imagine."

"I was upstairs, definitely not listening for the commotion. One, I thought your lackeys were capable enough of keeping him in chains. It's really not that hard," she said. It hadn't been her job and it wasn't like she needed him anyway. Truthfully, him being gone was better. "Two, cookies are great, and so is Arrow. A new episode came on, and Rene is still my favorite. I couldn't miss it."

"I don't want to hear about your obsession with another man..."

"Fictional man," she interrupted.

He sighed. "What are you doing now? I hear shuffling," he asked gently.

"Well, I'm out right now. This girl was asking about your sister on my walk to the square... and look at that. I found the hunter."

Using her hearing, she heard the voices of April Young, Jeremy, Matt, and Connor. He was telling them all to sit down inside the grill.

"Detain him, will you? I need him alive, Nora," he said sternly, making it clear this wasn't something he was arguing on. "He has werewolf venom, be careful."

A pout formed on her lips, "But lovey," she wined playfully, "I don't want to. Don't you have Stefan and your hybrids to do it? I'd rather them be bit than me."

Klaus ignored her, "I'll talk to Stefan, let him know you're helping."

"What was that? Did you say you have to go? Ok, well, I love you!"

He almost crushed his phone as he heard the dial tone.

| Reputation |

He wasn't mad, not that he could ever be towards her, yet a lingering irritation was still present when he walked through his front door. Her scent was strongest towards the kitchen, along with the unmistakable smell of peanut butter. With a tiny grin at her predictability, he walked her way.

What he didn't predict, was to be shoved against the wall by his throat. But when he found his Nora smiling at him, he decided he didn't hate this surprise. "Hello, my beautiful," he smiled back.

"Want a cookie?" she welcomed him warmly.


This plot line is getting boring to write in, that's why I haven't been updating. So the next chapter will just be a time skip to a couple episodes ahead.

Everything happens the same as it does in the shoe for things I haven't explicitly said.

Thanks for reading.

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