Chapter 5: My Apologies to the Chef for Destroying His Bakery

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I haven't freaked out this much since I saw the ending of Insidious. 

What if she really is Ladybug? Would that put everyone around her in danger? If no one spills the beans about it, then we should be fine. But still...would that put me in danger? Would that put Mom in danger?

But on the other hand, maybe I could help her overcome whatever's she's going through, like the way Cat Noir is. 

I softly sigh as my thoughts focus on him. I don't know what he is to me yet, but Cat Noir seems...nice. And adorable and cute and gentle and-

Wait. What am I doing? I shake my head. Snap out of it. Just your work partner, remember? 

After a little debating, I come to a conclusion. I'm gonna find out whether or not my classmate is secretly wielding a yo-yo of death. The curiosity's gonna eat away at me if I don't. 

I just hope this doesn't come back to haunt me.

As I walk past the group of kids in my class, I overhear their conversation but keep going. Once I do a double take and realize they're all crowded around Ivan, I move a little closer and lean against a column.

Mato pokes her head out. "That's him, isn't it?"

I give a small nod to avoid drawing attention. 

"You know what to do," she confirms. 

I nod again and whip out The Fault in Our Stars in order to disguise myself as a passing bookworm. But secretly, I have both ears open, tuning into their conversation. 

"So you really don't remember anything?" questions a redhead with skates. 

"You were totally going ballistic. It was so cool," a pretty purple haired girl comments. 

"You were seriously out to crush me, dude!" Kim adds. "I thought I was gonna die that day!"

"I'm sorry, I wasn't myself," Ivan groans. 

Someone scoffs. "Once a monster, always a monster. You really expect us to trust you after the damage you did?" 

I take a look at who just spoke and sharply inhale to keep me from exploding. Creator, just let me have one good day.

Ivan's eyes narrow at Chloe as he angrily gets up, causing everyone to flinch and back up. Then he storms away from us and heads to the locker rooms. 

She sneers. "Don't let the door hit you on the way out." 

"How could you say that to Ivan?" Alya retorts. "You don't care at all how others feel! You're the real Stoneheart!" 

"Oh, so I'm the one who broke Sabrina's dad's arm, am I? I'm the one who nearly killed Kim? I'm the one who nearly killed that stupid Hero Trio?" 

Seeing where this is going, I start backing away to go look for Ivan, remembering what Mom told me. The last thing I need today is another attack when I haven't finished reading my book.

"Just because your footage of those lame heroes was shown on TV doesn't mean you don't have to get so high and mighty. You better know where your place is, in the basement cleaning out the cabinets like the other poor kids."

Next thing I know, now I'm the one inches away from Chloe's face telling her off. 

"You know Chloe, you got some nerve talking to people like that," I snap. "There's no reason for you to be so rude to everyone here. If you got nothing nice to say, then shut your mouth. Got it?" 

The Running Bear (Cat Noir x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now