Chapter 23: Stabbing Me Felt A Little Unnecessary, You Shitass

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TW: blood and stab injuries. Shit got real again in this one.

When I found out Dad died on New Years Eve, time seemed to stop. 

I couldn't breathe. 

I couldn't move. 

No words came out, except for a few ragged gasps. 

I couldn't feel anything.

That's how I feel now as I snap back to reality, realizing Darkblade's sword has gone straight through my chest and is now sticking out of my back, gleaming and bloodied. Gasping for air, blood spurts out of my mouth and dribbles down my chin. I grip the sword to steady myself, still in shock, unsure if this is real or not.

But once the pain finally seeps into my flesh, all I can do is scream at the top of my lungs, so deafening everyone covers their ears. When the dark knight twists the sword inside my chest, hot bolts of agony shoot throughout my body and I shriek even more. 

"Makwa!" Cat Noir bellows.

At that moment, the cat bares his teeth and breaks free of the knights attacking him. Yelling angrily, he kicks them all to the floor, hurls them through the walls, and whacks them off the building with his staff. Turning to look up at me, I realize just how furious he is. 

And it scares me.

Those warm emeralds have morphed into cold, narrowed slits. Steady and unblinking, focused only on me. His tail is completely arched upwards, a sign that he's ready to attack anyone who so much as glances at me. His ears are completely flattened against his head as he snarls like an aggressive animal at Darkblade. 

"Touch her again and I'll kill you," he growls, pointing his staff at him.

Despite the pain, I struggle against the sword, trying to get it out of me. Scalding waves of shock prevent me from trying to move, rooting me in place. 

Darkblade lets out a maniacal laugh. "Nay, o heartless feline!" 

"I'm not joking. Get away from her, now!"

"I take no such orders from such a daft boy."

"Please!" he screams, his voice cracking. "She means everything to me!"

"Thou canst save thy lover. Death has already chosen her."

Gritting my teeth, I spit, "No. You don't decide my future. I do."

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