Chapter 12: Apparently Frying Pans Do Prevent Identify Theft

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A/N: Sorry if this one feels a little rushed. 

"Go in on three," Ladybug whispers

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"Go in on three," Ladybug whispers.

A huge projection appears in the night sky as Lady Wifi's face appears amongst the clouds. From the angle we're standing at, she's inside Chloe's room like we thought. Behind her, Chloe's frozen body stands motionlessly as Lady Wifi circles her like a velociraptor taunting its prey.

"Everyone thinks the girl under the Ladybug mask is a little angel," Lady Wifi. "Think again, people!"

"One," Ladybug whispers. 

Lady Wifi grabs the mask on Chloe's face. "The real Ladybug..."

"Two," Cat Noir murmurs. 

She rips off the mask. "Is Chloe Bourgeois, everyone!" 

"Three!" I shout.

Ladybug, Cat Noir and I leap onto the balcony of the hotel, run towards the doors, and kick them open. We land inside the room with our fists raised, ready to fight.

Lady Wifi looks at us in confusion. "Who are you?"

My eyebrows narrow. "The Hero Trio. Ladybug, Cat Noir, Makwa."

"But I thought you were Ladybug!" Lady Wifi glares at Chloe. 

Cat Noir smirks. "Sorry to bust your news story! Next time double-check your facts."

"You'll be sorry," she snarls, swiping her phone screen.

Chloe's freed from the buttons holding her hostage, causing her to fall and trip across the room. Knowing I'm still on camera, it takes everything in me to hold a straight face when she falls flat on her butt. 

"Alya, please listen-" Ladybug starts. 

"Alya's been disconnected. I'm Lady Wifi!" she growls. "News flash: Ladybug, Makwa, let's find out who you really are!"

She swipes pause buttons at the both of us and we quickly dodge them. Two nearly hit my head, but I pull a bullet-dodging move from The Matrix and avoid them in time. I of course land on my back but I get back up on my feet quickly.

Ladybug motions for us to run. "Follow me!"

Lady Wifi swipes more buttons at us as we all leap over her. But we manage to race out the room and follow Ladybug down the stairs. 

"So, what's the plan?" Cat Noir asks.

"She gets her powers from her phone. So let's lead her down to the basement where there isn't any service!" Ladybug commands.

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