Chapter 10: I Thought The Mummy Franchise Was Dead

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A/N: I have some news. 

For this fanfic's timeline, I'm following the order the Internet says the episodes were released in. And I'm going to move episodes around a bit. Sorry if this causes any confusion. But this show doesn't really have a crystal clear timeline to follow.  

💖Thank you for reading my story! If you have any questions about my fanfic you want answered, drop them in the comments below! 💖

Four Days Later...

September 17, 2015

The Louvre, Paris, France

1:00 p.m.

"Oh my gods," I mutter. 

"Is that supposed to be me?" Mato gasps. She looks at herself, then back at the old, crinkled drawing. "I don't look that old!"

"I dunno, how old are you?" I ask. 

"Long before those colonizers stole our land and wiped the majority of us out. I've been on this planet for centuries."

"Oh. Well Mato, you don't look a day over 3 billion." 



She glares at me. "You better be."

My eyes and phone camera eagerly scan through the sea of information at my fingertips. I've come here to earn yet another Girl Scout patch, this time for exploring a museum. For the past hour, I've been writing down my observations and appreciating the different relics and cultures I see on display. 

And oh man, there's a lot of treasure to discover here. 

But most importantly, there's a whole room dedicated to the "Indians" as Europe calls us. It's abundant with our regalia, photos of different tribes, beaded necklaces and bracelets, all snuggled in glass boxes. 

Sucks that over half of everything written in this museum is a load of bullshit.

But weirdly enough, there's a new display table in the corner titled "The Running Bear." 

See, before I was all over the news, the stories spread about our miraculous didn't get much attention, lost in the depths of the Internet. But since I came out, everyone's eating up anything they can find. There's pictures of my pendant, anecdotes from tribal members near the reservations where my tribe's located over in California, etc. 

"When I came here looking for answers, I didn't expect there to be so much info," I gape as I snap picture after picture. "How long has this been going on?"

"Like we told you, tribes have been spreading stories about us for centuries. Ojibwe, Modoc, Navajo, Klamath, Paiute, Lakota, you name it. Especially the settlers because they were too stupid to leave us alone and stop being nosy. But once more people saw you here, all of it resurfaced." 

"So no one really knew I was real until people saw me here and connected the dots back to Pit River?"

"Yup. Once people saw you, they remembered-" she pauses briefly. "But most of the stories white people spread are fake and dramatic. I don't know how many you'll find that's accurate, but-"

The Running Bear (Cat Noir x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now