Chapter 2: I Get a Pep Talk From a Floating Bear

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💖Thank you for reading my story! If you have any questions about my fanfic you want answered, drop them in the comments below! 💖

A/N: I'm working on the superhero's design this week, and I plan to have you guys see it by the next chapter. If it takes a while, I'm so sorry! Hang in there, I'm trying to make sure it doesn't look like crap.

Every muscle in my body grows rigid and tense. Sweat collects on my forehead, and my heel taps in anticipation. It's a waiting game now, and I'm dangerously close to losing. 

But I need to hold on a little longer. 

I need to be strong. I need to keep pushing. I'm so close. 

"Okay class, that'll be all for today."

I've never been so happy to hear a bell ring. 

I sink into my chair with exhaustion and exhale. I mean, school's awesome when they don't make us write fifty one essays a week, but I'm more excited to see what their massive library has. Maybe I can finally read P.S., I Love You.

I also need answers on my bear necklace. That old man on the street who pointed it out seemed to know something. I wonder if there's information in the library that'll help me figure out what's really around my neck.

"For those of you who have PE, Mr. D'Argencourt is expecting you at the stadium. The rest of you can head over to the library."

Before I can even bounce out of my seat, someone angrily bellows, "Kim!!!"

I jump out of my seat and almost fall off the chair. I turn around and see a tall guy on my left who looks ready to murder the dude behind me. My hand grabs my necklace out of instinct, but I notice he's holding a note with something written on it. I wonder if that has anything to do with the Incredible Hulk's mood over there. 

Miss Bustier's eyebrows furrow. "Ivan, what is going on?"

"It's Kim! He's being a jerk!" he growls. "I'm so gonna-"

"Ivan! Go to the principal's office," Miss Bustier orders.

"But he wrote-"

"Now, Ivan!" Miss Bustier sternly demands. 

He angrily grabs his backpack and storms off in what I assume is the principal's office. My eyes follow him, concerned for this poor kid. Before I can think any more about him, Alya and Marinette drag me out of the classroom and down to the library I've been daydreaming about for hours. 

"What did you think of our class?" I ask.

Alya shrugs. "It was okay. Chloe didn't burn down the classroom, so that was a relief." She smiles. "But I did make two new friends on my first day." 

I force a smile, unsure if I can call them friends yet. 

"Aw, thank you," Marinette gushes. "I don't think I could tolerate another year with Chloe without you two." 

I laugh. "To be honest, I did need someone to hold me back from throwing her through the window." 

We reach the library, open the door, and walk inside. 

I feel like a kid who just walked into Disneyland for the first time. 

There's infinite bookshelves stacked with books of every genre I can think of, huge tables for bookworms to read, a TV with cameras, and a freaking second floor! I've never seen a school library with a second floor! My mouth hangs open in awe as I take in every inch of this paradise.

The Running Bear (Cat Noir x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now