Chapter 14: She Accidentally Summoned A Demon

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A/N: Hunker down nerds, it's gonna be crazy. Tell me how I did at the end!

And guys, I'm gonna try to write chapters for ALL Season 1 episodes. But if I can't (mainly to prevent burnout), I'll hint at them in a journal entry the character makes. 

💖Thank you for reading my story! If you have any questions about my fanfic you want answered, drop them in the comments below! 💖

Five Days Later...

September 26, 2015

"Get out of the way! I'll be needing his miraculous where I'm going."

Knees trembling, I slowly stand up, a fiery rage starting to burn my skin. A dark, angry purple glow starts to surround my body, licking the air like hungry flames.

"You want him?" I growl. "You'll have to go through me!"

Timebreaker chuckles. "Bring it on."

Tightly gripping my daggers, I yell and charge full speed at her. Big fat tears stream down my cheeks. The malicious purple glow surrounding my body burns hotter and brighter. My breathing becomes ragged and animalistic. 

I leap into the air and-

One Hour Earlier...

66 Avenue Victor Hugo, Paris, France

"This is either madness or brilliance."

"It's remarkable how often those two traits coincide."

"And why are you doing this?" Mom asks, unimpressed. 

I grin. "I've been wanting to try this out for years, and it's finally happening!"

Mato shrugs. "Suit yourself. When your taste buds are ruined, let me know so I can steal your food."

I laugh. "You underestimate my power." 

"You underestimate the taste of that powder. Do you wanna know why it's called-"

"Enough chit chat, for now I will eat the unsweetened cocoa powder!"

Taking my first bite, I immediately spit it out and start to gag. Mato starts laughing her head off on the counter while Mom's shaking hers, disappointment on her face. 

"Didn't we warn you?" she says. "Multiple times."

Inhaling a sharp breath, I mutter, "That was worse than the time I drank the commoner's coffee."

"You drank your 'commoner's coffee' with three tablespoons of vanilla extract and maple syrup."

"I was curious!"

"And an idiot," Mato pipes up. 

I open my mouth to protest but shrug. "Fair enough."

Mom pats my shoulder. "Well, now you know why it's called unsweetened cocoa powder."

"And knowing is half the battle. G.I. Joe!"

My phone alarm beeps, meaning I need to head to the Jardins du Trocadero for that little bet between Alix and Kim. 

I honestly don't get the point, but if it means I'll see a girl kicking Kim's butt, then every second is worth it. 

"I gotta get going, Mom. But I'll be back in about an hour."

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