Chapter 3: We Battle A Rock With A Yo-Yo

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"Holy shit!"

Frantically flapping my limbs, I try to change direction but it's too late. The boy balancing on his staff turns around and before he can react, my body slams into his. Before I plummet into the concrete, a strong hand grabs my wrist. Looking up, my heart stops when I see him smiling at me. 

"Hey there!" he laughs. "Nice of you to drop by! I was feline pretty lonely for a while." 

I giggle. "Yeah, I'm really sorry about that. I thought I could do a cool superhero landing and well..." I sheepishly laugh. "I'm sorry." 

"Don't worry about it," he beams. "Besides, I think a simple 'Hello' would have been way too boring."

"I mean, I could've came in riding a Luck Dragon." 

His eyes sparkle. "That would mean I wouldn't get the chance to catch such a purr-ty girl." 

No one's ever called me pretty the sweet way he just did. I gaze up at his face shyly, at his dark, glowing, beautiful green emeralds. Those eyes, staring into mine, are almost enough to make me lose my grip on his wrist.

He clears his throat awkwardly and asks, "Uh, do you want me to help you down?" 

I snap out of my daze. Let go. He's struggling to hold you up. 

I quickly nod. "Oh yeah, sorry about that. You can let go now, thank you." 

His claws release my wrist and I land on my feet, thankfully not on my face. He lands on the street and looks up at me. "Wow. You're even prettier up close. And really tall."

I giggle, a slight blush crossing my cheeks. "I'd think so since bears can grow up to seven feet." 

"Wow..." he murmurs, analyzing my face.

I cross my arms and smirk. "What? You intimidated that a girl's taller than you?" I pat the top of his head playfully. "Awww, there, there, little kitty."

He gives me a cute grin as he giggles. "Nope. Just makes you look cooler. Not that you don't look cool right now! I mean, you do, you look really cool. I-I'm just saying your height makes you look cooler-"

I roll my eyes playfully. "Are you always this articulate?" 

His cheeks turn red. "I'm...uh..."

I giggle. "Don't worry, I know what you mean."

He chuckles sheepishly as his chest exhales. "You must be the partner my kwami told me about. I'm-"

Rin Okumura from Blue Exorcist? It's weird how much you sound exactly like Bryce Papenbrook.

The Running Bear (Cat Noir x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now