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S O P H I A | finally free

"I'd like to welcome class Valedictorian and Student Body President Kia Torres up to the podium." Mr. McCarthy says into the microphone as the audience respectfully applauds, except for our friend group, especially Leo who cheers the loudest out of everyone in the room. Leo and Kia decided they were better off as friends but they're still incredibly close, I think they are even closer than ever before.

Kia walks up on stage, beaming proudly, her white robes swishing behind her.

"Good Afternoon to teachers, administrators, family, friends, and our graduates. Today we celebrate us and who we have become from the very first day we set foot on campus. A high school career is 720 days long, and in those 720 days I have made so many memories. I remember day 1 when I was just 14 years old, and now here we are, on day 720."

"Today is the beginning of the rest of our lives and I know that everyone in this room is going to go on to do extraordinary things. I look around and I see conversations I've had with each and every one of you, laughs we've shared at lunch, stressing together over a chemistry exam. We've all grown so much since when we were freshman. Whether it's in learning to play a new instrument or finding a new passion for history and debate, or in my case I stopped wearing goggle glasses." We all laugh subtly at her joke.

"I am so proud to call you all my friends and classmates, and even though we're going on to do different things, I will hold a special place in my heart for all of you. Congratulations to us!" The applause is much louder as she finishes her speech.

The teachers then begin to hand out awards. I shockingly was awarded with honors, so were about 20 other kids. I don't know how my grade managed to stay at a 3.8 but I'm okay not knowing the answer.

The teachers then give out various awards such as valedictorian, which went to Kia obviously, North Bay spirit award which went to Leo. I had to slap him on the arm to get his attention because he had completely zoned out.

"Here to present the Literary Achievement award is Miss Sandra Williamson." Mr. McCarthy says next.

Ms. Williamson comes up to the podium, an excited grin on her face.

"I had a hard time choosing who was going to win this award because the person I had in mind had their... challenges. But this person not only excels in writing beautiful essays but at telling a story in between each line. You may be surprised when I call this person up because you will often hear them talk about how much they hate school or how they never turn anything in. This is not true and it shows as they are one of the few graduating to an Ivy League school this year." I laugh at the jokes Ms. Williamson is making and I turn back to look at Carter who has his face in his hands in embarrassment.

"The winner of this year's Literary Achievement is Carter Marquez." Carter gets up, even more embarrassed, his cheeks turning red. When he accepts his plaque she pulls him in for a hug, laughing at his face too.

"Now we will call up the graduates to receive their diplomas." The first row stands up, walking in a straight line, almost like cattle. For every student there is the typical handshake, thank you, and camera flash. Since it's in alphabetical order the first person out of my friends to go up on stage is Leo, with me following suit directly after him.

"Leo Dawson Campbell. Notre Dame University." The crowd applauds, a few scattered cheers as Leo receives his diploma, winking at the camera sitting in the front.

"Sophia Amelia Carrington. New York University." I start laughing when I hear Paige and Liam screaming at the top of their lungs from the back. I make eye contact with Carter who is screaming with Chloe just a few seats down from him. I shake Mr. McCarthy's hand, accepting the diploma and his congratulations with a simple, "thank you." I pop my foot in the air for the camera that flashes quickly in my eyes.

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