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S O P H I A | scariest halloween ever

It's been a month since the whole thing happened with Gavin so let's catch you up. Gavin is doing really well and he hasn't taken drugs since the whole incident. He told me all about his self rehab and I call every Sunday to check in. Carter has managed to kind of forgive him.

Carter and I are still just friends, nothing more because I've been focusing on myself and I'm doing much better mentally.

Maddie, Claire, Kia, and I have gotten much closer. We also started hanging with Carter's group and have formed our own group. Maddie and I came up with the idea to set up Hunter and Claire. Who is totally over Anthony by the way.

Our whole group has become really close friends over this past month and we have lunch together everyday. Carter's group is really fun to be around and we are never bored.

Our group dynamics are so different which is why we were surprised when Leo and Chloe sat themselves next to us with Hunter practically dragging Carter along like a 5 year old who doesn't want to go to kindergarten.

It's the night before Halloween and we are sitting in Claire's bedroom. Kia, Claire, Maddie, Chloe, and I.

Maddie is sitting facing us, she has news. "Oh my god, spit it out." I say dying because she's been sitting there fidgeting for 5 minutes.

"I broke up with Chase."

We all erupt in confusion. "What happened, you guys were so cute." Kia exclaims. "I literally thought you guys were going to get married." Claire adds.

"He's just kind of boring, we never did anything spontaneous or fun. We've been dating for a year and the craziest thing we did was have sex at Gavin's party." She sighs.

"Also there might be someone else." We all gasp. "Spill!" Chloe snaps.

One thing about Chloe, no matter how sweet and funny she is. She can be kind of intense. I mean her best friends are the three loudest boys on the planet so I don't blame her but I think she just needs to adjust to hanging around more girls. But I love hanging out with her.

"He's some college guy, you don't know him." Maddie rubs her neck nervously. "Okay, you're acting weird but as long as you're happy I'm happy." Claire says and we give her a group hug.

"So, how hot is he?" Maddie's eyes go wide at my question. She nods.

"Yeah he is... very hot." What is up with her? She's very shaky and anxious. I let it go, she's probably just down about Chase. I'm considering skipping school tomorrow because I hate Halloween.

We are going as Devils and Angels. Claire and I are angels and Maddie and Kia are devils. It was kind of last minute. Chloe is going with Carter and his group. Apparently they are dressing up as the Purge characters with those light up masks. I really don't know, she didn't explain it very well.

"What scary movie are we watching tonight?" Claire says turning on the TV. "Give me your ideas."

"The Conjuring." Claire suggests. "Hell no!" Maddie yells with a mouthful of cake. Kia says The Shining which we also veto. "Ooh Blair Witch Project." Chloe adds, and she has a mischievous look on her face. 

"I've never seen it." Claire says. But I have. "Nice try Chloe but unless you want nightmares for a month then I wouldn't say yes." I throw popcorn into my mouth and Chloe laughs.

"How about Scream?" I suggest. They nod. "Yes!"

The movie starts and all six of us cozy up on Claire's bed. "Ugh who gave Billy the right to be that hot." Maddie sighs at Skeet Ulrich's character in the movie. Which makes us all laugh.

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