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S O P H I A | chinese food, college, and divorce

Over the next few weeks things had gone back to normal, or the closest thing that normal is right now. Carter and I have been taking it slow. He's been really sweet but it's painfully slow.

I can tell that he needs more but he's too scared to ask. We've been walking around eggshells with each other, too scared that one of us is going to do or say the wrong thing. The lingering sexual tension that flies through the atmosphere when we're alone is through the roof.

Claire once asked last week why we haven't fucked each other's brains out yet?

I swear the more she hangs out with Hunter the more she acts like him. I know that Carter is just worried about me and it's very sweet but I really want to kiss him. Really kiss him, and...

The unholy thoughts float through my mind as I lie in my bed, playing with the strap on my lace tank top. After I slept with Carter some of our friends asked how I was able to do that with someone again after what happened.

The honest answer, I don't know. Carter was different. His touch made me gain back a part of what Owen took. Oh and how I longed for his touch. Craved his hands on my skin, his cold rings contrasting with the hot electricity of our bodies. The way my body ignites when I feel his lips on my neck.

Is it hot in here?

I look over to my phone on my nightstand. I feel the need to call Carter, put these sins to words. I don't know if I should embrace this awakening I'm having right now or stuff my heightened feelings in.

Temptation and desire are all I am feeling as I gamble with the devil. My hand slowly traces the band on my shorts.

A sharp knock shoots me up out of my position.

Thank god.

I almost lost control for a second.

"Come in." I yell, still trying to recover from whatever the hell that was.

Liam opens the door, "Hey mom just got back and she wants to talk to us." He nods towards the hallway signaling for me to follow him.
I adjust my hair, flustered from my moment as I follow my brother outside and down the stairs. My mom is in the kitchen, her bags are right next to the couch.

She's wearing jeans and a sweater which is unusual. I rarely see her not in her typical pantsuit.
I wrap her in a hug, "Hey mom." She pulls back.

"Who is this bitch named Eloise and how many knives do I have to sharpen?" She scolds and I immediately give Liam an incredulous look. "You told her?"

He straightens up at my pissed off face, "It was a long car ride, and I couldn't lie." His voice just went up five octaves. "You didn't have to tell her period." I exclaim.

"Kids calm down. I'm glad Liam told me." She puts her hands on my shoulders, kissing my forehead. "I'm sorry you had to go through that, and I'm sorry I couldn't be here." I nod, I'm just glad she's back.

"By the way, you picked some good friends, and a good boyfriend." She winks and Liam rolls his eyes at the mention of Carter.

Before I can respond she continues, "Ooh maybe I can invite them over for dinner. Sophia call him right now and invite them over for dinner this weekend, Liam invite Maddie too. Oh you know what never mind, another time. I want to spend as much time with you guys as possible to make up for lost time." She continues to ramble, it's odd.

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