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C A R T E R | boy in the bubble

I don't like her, in that way. She is hot. Actually she's gorgeous. And sometimes I can't control my mouth and say things I shouldn't but it's just my instinctive nature.

I text the group chat:

Me: Guys I need to talk to you

Leo: ???

Hunter: What's it about?

Chloe: Are you going to tell us why you ditched?

Me: Just get your asses over here ASAP

I put my phone down and wait for them on the porch. After 10 minutes they all show up. I think back to what happened today. Of all people that had to be there. This has been the worst day. 

"I'm afraid I have a crush on Sophia." I say totally serious but after a beat of silence they all burst out laughing. "It's not funny, I don't want to have feelings but I feel like I do." I shoot them all a glare. Only Hunter keeps laughing.

"And Gavin also asked her out." Hunter stops laughing. "What?" Hunter perks up. "It was awkward and sad to watch, even through the window." Chloe snickers, earning a scowl from me.

I end up explaining the whole thing to them in two minutes. "Look Carter I don't think she's into him and if you do like her, you have to stop egging her on. She's not going to like you if you keep getting into fights." Chloe finally says.

"I don't think she's going to like him anymore, period. Look how well their last argument went." Leo snorts. Oh my god these three payasos can't take anything seriously.

I thought about what Chloe said all week at school, but unfortunately I was unsuccessful in not pissing off Sophia. We argued all week over literally the dumbest things. All the time, it turned into a screaming match.

Sometimes it got pretty bad, I could tell I was on thin ice with her. Every time I would open my mouth she would roll her eyes or groan. Sometimes it would escalate to the point where I'm pretty sure Ms. Williamson considered quitting. 

My favorite one happened earlier this week. We got into an argument over the prompt of the week for Great Gatsby.  It was stupid and childish but now the two of us are in Mr. McCarthy's office after Ms. Williamson flipped out on both of us for causing a disturbance. 

"Now what can I do for you?" He keeps smiling but his eyes are concerned. "These two got into a heated argument and I feel it's better if they work it out here." Ms. Williamson steps in front of us. "Have a seat." There are two chairs in front of his desk.

So here we are in the principal's office. It's so uncomfortable. Sophia keeps huffing and puffing. I roll my eyes every time she whines or groans. "Okay tell me what happened, from the beginning." Mr. McCarthy finally says. Ms. Williamson gave him a run down of what happened in class. Every freaking detail.

We finally both look at each other, nervous. We both have the same thought.

What the fuck are we supposed to say?

"Okay one of you is going to have to speak." Ms. Williamson is very blunt. "It's a long story that I'm not comfortable speaking about." I'm trying my best to bullshit my way out of this.

"Well then we can't help you and will have to call your parents." I shrug, my mom would be mad but it's nothing I can't handle. Sophia on the other hand looks terrified. "No, no you can't call my parents, they are on business trips and then they will have to call my brother."

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