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C A R T E R | the truth will set you free

(this was the old chapter 18 by the way.)

Trigger Warning: Mentions of Rape and substance abuse

We pull up to Sophia's house in about 15 minutes. The pressure builds up in my chest and I blurt out. "Sophia what the fuck happened to you?" Her eyes widen and she looks like she's going to run again. "Please just tell me. I'm worried."

She starts biting her nails, considering the thought for a few seconds.

"Come on." She nods her head to follow her.

She directs me to a path behind her house. It's not that far. Past lots of trees and bushes. 

She just sits there not speaking. Her brows are furrowing. She has an anxious look on her face. I tap her shoulder to get her attention. "Right sorry, look I just don't know where to start." I grab her hand, "Take your time." Her pooling green eyes make me smile. She lets go of my hand, which is odd. "I'm hesitant because of what happened at the party."

"Look I'm so sorry, I didn't mean it." I plead, the desperation evident in my voice.

"I know but, it really bothers me and I just got to thinking and I don't think this is a good idea. Plus everyone's saying that it's bad because of you and Eloise."


I stand up, "So I fucked up a little last year, it was in the past." I get where she is coming from but I just don't want that to be her only perception of me. I've spent all summer trying to not think about it and I feel like I'm a much different person from when I was with Eloise.

"Carter, if you want to move forward together, you can't keep acting like this." I nod, "I know."

Something tells me I'm not going to be ready for this conversation. My mind immediately starts coming up with the worst possible scenarios. I don't get a chance to ask her what she means because she keeps talking.

"In New York I hung with the wrong crowd, rich parents, they had big goals for me, but during that time I was getting high or drunk whenever I could. Tossing big things away for a bottle of vodka or some cocaine. My parents were too busy to put me in rehab or even care. My dad didn't even notice when I was stealing his prescription pad to get drugs." Her demeanor changes really quickly. Her body sinks down.

"You know I even missed out on a chance to be on Broadway because I was so addicted." Her eyes become glossy. She continues, "One night, I got so drunk I could barely remember my own name and I was with this guy..." I don't like the way this is going. I stay silent. Her lips press into a thin line before she continues.

"We were hooking up and I was too drunk to notice what was happening but he wanted to have sex, I tried to refuse but he kept on pushing me around." Oh no. I have to mentally brace myself for what's coming. I feel sick.

The look on her face says it all. I look at her with sympathy, letting her know that I'm here for her.

"The next thing I remember was waking up in the hospital beaten up and they said he raped me. I could barely speak or move." Oh my God. I put my hands in my face. My heart is physically in pain for her.

"We went to court, we didn't have much of a case, they had some evidence, he went to jail. The damage was done, everyone knew. I finally went to rehab and therapy, then we moved across the country. I can't drink or do drugs anymore. I won't drink or do drugs."

"The only reason they arrested him was because Liam forced a confession out of him."

"Sophia, I'm so sorry, I can't even begin to imagine." That's all I could bring myself to say. I let out a breath. She sniffles, trying to hold back tears. No, let it out. I want to say but I decide it's best if I don't say anything more.

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