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C A R T E R | grace paige carrington

"I'm so sorry." Eloise sobs but I don't care. I've never hated anyone more. I can't believe she made Sophia do that. What kind of sick twisted person does that? She puts us through emotional hell, and still managed to find a way to manipulate me, again. I felt disgusted when I let her kiss me.

Not my proudest moment. I wish I could undo it.

She came to my house in tears, convinced me to let her stay. As she was leaving she walked back and kissed me. I felt sick, I pushed her off but it turns out Nat saw.

"Never talk to Sophia or me ever again." Is the last thing I say before abandoning her sobbing figure. She doesn't deserve any sympathy.

I walk into the cafe and see my friends and Paige, Liam. I knew they were there watching, I could see them all shaking from the window as I walked up to Eloise. I'm so grateful for them. Especially Hunter and his great computer skills.

"You are all the best." For the first time in weeks I genuinely smile. "Eh you're still an idiot." Chloe jokes and we all laugh. It's so nice to hear. We've all been so down lately that even just little jokes are so comforting to hear.

"I need to see Sophia. Has she left her room yet?" I ask Paige and Liam but to my disappointment they shake their heads. "We've tried everything." Paige pouts.

"Ooh you could say that Paige fell down the stairs and then she'll run out of her room and there you will be." Hunter suggests and we all look at him like he's crazy.

"No that's actually a good idea." Paige shrugs. I swear you wouldn't know she's 13. She has the mind of an 18 year old.

"What are we waiting for?" Maddie exclaims and we all spring out of seats. Gavin left to go find Eloise. Before he does he pulls me aside. "Tell Sophia I'm sorry for me, will you?" I give him a nod.

Everyone gets into their cars and I get on my motorbike, definitely speeding way over the limit.

"Can we be here for this? Since it was our amazing detective work that got us here?" Hunter asks when reach the front door, he's rocking back and forth on his heels excitedly. "Sure." I reply, rolling my eyes.

We quietly step into the house. We wait a few seconds as Paige loudly stomps down the stairs and then throws some random stuff down to make noise. "Ow." She yells but she's holding back laughter. We all are.

"Sophia help! Paige fell down the stairs." Liam yells and it echoes. I know now why Sophia is the actor in the family. These two cannot keep their laughter in.

This is really stupid but it could get her out of her room.

We heard the sound of a lock clicking and I feel so relieved to see Sophia's frantic figure rush out of her room. "Oh my god-" She stops when she sees all of us.

She freezes at my gaze. She looks the exact same as when I saw her last. "What-"

"Soph we know everything. It's all over. We handled Eloise." Liam says and tears begin to brim her eyes.

"What do you mean?" Her lip quivers, her voice shaking. "I mean, she isn't going to hurt you anymore, everything is going to be okay." He answers.

"Sophia?" I manage to get out before she sprints down the stairs. She runs into my arms, crashing her lips on mine. Everything else melts away, all our problems, doubts, fears. They're gone. Because I have her back.

"I love you." She whispers as we break from the kiss. Now it's my turn to cry. I don't even care about everyone that is watching. They've already seen me cry more times than I'd like.

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