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S O P H I A | love is in the air

"So wait what happened?" Carter asks me when we get back to my house after school to study for an upcoming English test.

"Kia said that after the beach party, she left her phone in Leo's stuff and he brought it to her and then they got to talking and then... well you know." Carter stifles a laugh.

Kia and Leo were so awkward all day. It was like a car crash, so disturbing but you can't look away. She didn't speak at all until Claire and I forced her to tell us what happened. She said that she told Leo she had feelings for him but now she's afraid that she ruined it because they slept together.

I open the front door and Paige has a friend over. They're sitting on the couch watching a movie. "Hey Paige." I say and her and her friend turn around at me.

"Hey Soph, this is-"

"Natalia?" Carter pipes in. "Hey bro." Natalia says.

Wait... like Carter's sister Natalia. "What are you doing here?" Carter walks over to them, a confused look on his face. "It turns out Nat and I have Algebra and Science together. When I put the pieces together, we bonded instantly over the two of you."

"We're besties now." Natalia adds, high fiving Paige. "Well alright?" I shrug, a little unsure of how to react. "Okay carry on lovebirds." Paige waves us off.


The next day at school might have been one of my favorite days ever. At lunch Carter and Chloe had excited looks on their faces. "Did I miss it?" Leo runs over to us.

"Miss what?" I'm so confused. "Oh you'll see." Carter says before snickering with Chloe. Claire, Maddie, and Kia join us at a table outside in the courtyard. "Ooh Claire, you're here." Leo exclaims which raises my suspicions further.

"Uh yeah why wouldn't I be?"

"No reason just sit down, get comfortable." Leo pats a spot on the bench and Claire raises her eyebrows.

That's when Hunter walks out holding a megaphone. Oh my god. 

He stands on the fountain in the middle of the courtyard. "Um excuse me can I have everyone's attention please." The school falls silent. I see Leo and Chloe filming.

"Don't tell me he's doing what I think he's doing." I whisper to Carter, he just nods. Hunter has always been a sucker for the cliche but this is a whole new level of extra.

Go big or go home right?

"I heard that the best way to ask out a girl is with a grand gesture so here goes... Claire I'm in love with you- shit I wasn't supposed to say that." People start laughing. Chloe facepalms and mutters, "Fucking idiot, stick to the note cards."

I look to my left to see Claire with her mouth hanging open.

He pulls out a sticky note, "Fuck okay, forget I said that, Claire Nakamura I was hoping that you would take this dumbass on a date because I really like you." He holds up a sign that simply says Date Me?

I clutch my hand to my chest. This is the cutest thing I've ever witnessed.

Kia pulls Claire up out of her seat. The entire school is watching them, our eyes flipping back and forth between the two. "I kind of need an answer because this is really embarrassing." Hunter rubs the back of his neck nervously but in the process falls straight into the fountain. The crowd collectively gasps.

Chloe starts wailing of laughter, "I'm so happy I'm filming this." Leo says through tears. The courtyard erupts in laughter too.

Claire sprints over to the fountain and helps him out. "So?" Hunter pants, dripping wet, a leaf hanging off the side of his head.

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