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C A R T E R | let's fall in love for the night

I spent a week searching for the right gift. I've never been good at giving presents to people. My friends would know, I bought Leo a Virginity Rocks sweatshirt in 8th grade, which then became the brunt of all our jokes and dares for the next two years. By sophomore year it became kindling for another bonfire party. Hunter likes to call it the end of an era, even though he's still a virgin.

When it comes to relationships, I want to get this one right. I was horrible to Eloise, we were horrible to each other. Sophia is kind, she's genuine. I'm not going to screw this up, so I've been asking for help. Chloe, Maddie, anyone who knows her better than me.

Chloe took me to the mall, and turned down every single one of my ideas. She physically dragged me through multiple stores, scolding me for not trying hard enough, even though I'm just clueless. It was terrifying.


"Can I help you?" An old woman with large glasses and stark white hair asks from behind the glass counter of the jewelry store.

"I'm looking for a gift for my girlfriend." I tell her awkwardly, unsure of what to do, and Chloe is no help, leaning against the counter, her eyes darting around the diamonds and pearls.

"Is this your girlfriend?" Chloe starts giggling out loud at her assumption, making the woman eye her confusedly. "No, never, ever. Gross." I don't know if I should be offended or not. My foot kicks the back of her knee in retaliation and she elbows me back. "Do you two need a minute?" I can sense that she's one of those boomers who hates teenagers.

"No, sorry. We're fine." She straightens out her spine, the cold demeanor that was once there melts and she's back to her cookie baking, quilt making, old lady self. "What are you looking for?"

"Do you have jewelry sets, like for two people?" I give Chloe a no way glare but she continues on. "Of course." The lady bends down, picking up a large box. "Necklace and rings?" Chloe suggests, and my dumbass has no clue what she's doing. Various jewels and chains were placed in front of me and after a while they began to blend together, looking all the same.

Then I came across one that caught my eye. I remember Sophia saying that her favorite flower is a rose. This one is a silver chain, a stemmed rose dangling from the bottom, small diamonds scattered throughout the pendant. Along with it is a matching ring with a black rose engraved. "Perfect."


"Carter, you didn't have to get me anything else." Sophia lectures, taking the box from the bag. She traces the white velvet and once she opens it she gasps. "It's beautiful." She practically pounces on me, kissing my cheeks, her slender arms wrapping around my body. "Thank you."

I fasten it for her, showing her the ring on my index finger, making her mouth fall open.

"Fuck I hate both of you. You're going to make me vomit." Hunter whines with a mouthful of cake. "Shut up." Paige warns him, actually seeming threatening to him.

She then pulls out the piece of lined paper left in there. "What's this?"

"Just a small letter I wrote in the middle of the night." I'm a little embarrassed that I gave her this, it was an impulsive decision. "I wrote it when we started becoming friends." I add as she begins, her eyes moving at rapid speed.

Dear Sophia,

I know we got off on the wrong foot, screaming at each other, rushing to conclusions. It was all my fault, I was a mess, you just entered my life at the wrong time. At least that's what I thought. I'm starting to believe that I met you to make my life better. You're so beautiful, not that I'll ever tell you. There's no way that you actually see me in the same way.

You're turning me into the classic rom com man. If this were a movie, I'd show up outside your window with a stereo, professing my undying love for you (what a fucking cliche) or dangle from a ferris wheel until you agreed to go out with me. (Kind of a toxic trait though so nevermind.) But this isn't a movie and I'm not Ryan Gosling, so I'll just put it all on paper, locking it in a box, for no one to ever see. I don't even think I can reread this because I'll crucify myself for writing like such a lovesick sap.

I hope we can grow closer, become friends, and forget about the hateful words we shared. I'm sorry, hope to see more of you in my life.


Halfway through I hear her let out a breathy laugh. "This is beautiful." She pecks my lips, giving me a taste of her sugary lip gloss. "Wait, I want to see it." Hunter complains again, trying to see it. Sophia swats his hand away, "Never read someone else's letter." She feigns offence, laughing it off.

"Thank you again." Her eyes are bright, sparkling. As I lean in towards Sophia, a loud knock breaks us apart, startling everyone.

"I'll get it." Paige says.

"Can I help you?" We hear her say. "I don't know, does Sophia live here?" Oh fuck. I hear the nasally voice that I dated for a year. What is Eloise doing here?

"Who wants to know?" Paige crosses her arms, getting defensive. Eloise has the audacity to walk in past Paige like she owns the fucking place.

"Eloise what are you doing here, get the fuck out." I yell. She maintains her posh composure. "Oh perfect the gangs all here."

"Who is that?" I hear Liam whisper to Maddie and she whispers something back that sounds like "Carter's crazy ex girlfriend." He tenses when he hears that. "What do you want?"

"I just found out some fabulous information about your friend here."

Remember how I said that Sophia and I told each other everything. We could trust and depend on each other for everything. 

Apparently not.

"I just hope you know that your girlfriend is a nothing but a knocked up, lying slut."


Author's Note:

Okay let me just say that this chapter is short on purpose because the next chapters are longer and depressing.



Also I love Finneas with all my heart and this song is adorable. He's so much more than Billie Eilish's brother. The man is fucking talented. Ugh I'm such a whore for the cliche, like it's Wattpad so it's okay to be cliche every once in a while. 

I was going to write a song for this chapter but I waited too long to start and now I'm just lazy but I might in the future so stay tuned... maybe.

I might be updating a little less because I've been really busy with high school applications. Yes I'm in 8th grade, no I don't want to talk about it. Being in the Class of 2025 is straight shit. 

Vote and Comment pls.



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