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S O P H I A | mama who bore me

Fucked. That's what I am.

"What do you mean Mom and Dad are coming?" Paige jumps out of her seat. "It's Thanksgiving dummy." Liam glares at her and she gives him a sarcastic smile.

"Why didn't you tell us?" I'm so annoyed and also terrified. "I got their text during lunch and then I sped home." Liam explains, exasperated. "Why didn't they tell us?" Is Paige hurt, that she didn't know, because I'm not. I'm not surprised at all. 

"Should I go?" Carter awkwardly says, I kind of forgot he was there. He's leaning against the stair railing, his eyebrows raised. "Yes." Paige and Liam say in unison.

"Trust me you do not want to be here when they arrive." I give him a sympathetic look.

"Okay I'll have someone pick me up, since my motorbike isn't here." He runs a hand through his hair unsure of what to do.

That's when we hear a car door slam shut. "FUCK!" Liam yells. They're here already?

"Paige, go take Carter up to Liam's room, and hide him in the closet." I rush to figure this out. "What? I'm not hiding."

Carter, this isn't a pride thing, please don't do this now. I say in my head.

"Babe, we have exactly 10 seconds to get you up there or you're dead. NOW RUN." I push him and he follows Paige up the stairs as fast as possible.

When they are gone Liam turns to me, "So are you two dating or-" I elbow him in the ribs. "Now is not the time."

When the door clicks open we both face front with the biggest smiles plastered on our faces. Here we go. I should note that I haven't seen my dad in person since our last day in New York.

There are my parents standing in the doorway, perfect as ever. My mom is still in her pant suit with her graying hair tied in a perfect updo. Her designer heels echo through the silent house. My father is wearing his usual crisp suit, he looks older though. He keeps the stern look on his face while my mom exclaims, "Hello, I've missed you." She draws both of us into a hug. We both respond by saying we missed her too.

I look over at my dad and try to give him a smile but he looks back at my mother. Real subtle dad. He stands stiffly by the door, pretending to be interested in the ceiling. 

"Hold back that scoff you were about to let out." Liam whispers. He knows me too well. 

"Where's Paige?" Mom asks, looking around the house. Liam and I both freeze up, looking at each other with panicked faces. "She'll be down in a minute, do you want me to take your bags?" Liam says changing the subject.

For once I'm grateful that he's kissed their asses all these years. I see Paige slowly creeping towards the stairs, I raise my eyebrows and she nods, flashing me a quick thumbs up.

She pulls out her inhaler, taking a quick puff before walking down the stairs. I mouth, "Why were you gone so long?"

"He didn't want to get in the closet." She looks flustered. Of course not. That's just how Carter is though. My phone buzzes:

Carter: How the fuck am I supposed to get out of here?

Me: Just be patient

Carter: I texted Leo to come pick me up

Me: Make sure he doesn't stop right in front of my house

Carter: K, hurry up

Me: Working on it

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