Author tells all: Her Wolf Alpha

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Hello guys! Just figured I'd do something a little fun and say what was originally my plan for the first book.

All these ideas were scrapped.

But they may/may not would've made my story very different.

So here it goes...

Katlyn was originally named Carter and she was going to flirt with Lexi constantly.

Clayton was named Daniel.

Clayton was going to reveal that he was the Blood Wolf in the beginning against Lexi's wishes.

Clayton would've had green eyes.

Lexi was going to be a ruthless assassin but I liked her more bubbly.

Katlyn was supposed to sleep with Lexi at the "sleepover". Granted the sleepover WASN'T going to be so soon.

Katlyn was supposed to find her rapist and slaughter him, but it didn't seem realistic for her to actually find him.

Dalton was going to be an absolute pervert.

Drew was going to attempt to sleep with Katlyn, but fail because she sees him as "that one little kid that everyone is friends with".

Clayton was going to be a red wolf to better fit his other title as "Blood Wolf", but I decided not to.

Dalton was originally going to be a Hunter, in line with Kate's parents, and kill Drew when they first meet and then to try to kill Clayton to "save" Katlyn. Dalton was supposed to drop off the face of the Earth after that.

The war would've been carried out discreetly and in secret but I turned it into a whole witch-hunt with the media getting involved and all that whatnot.

The Goddess wasn't going to warn anyone and Katlyn and Clayton would've found out about the humans knowing of werewolves simply from rumors and werewolf kidnappings taking place.

Eli, Nathaniel, and Xavier weren't going to be a part of the original plot. Eli and Nathaniel were from one of my unfinished stories and I wanted to add some spice and not let them go to waste.

Alex was always part of the plot because she was the Goddess's successor.

Katlyn was supposed to fall head over heels for Dominic on sight. He was going to truly love her back, but wipes her memories of it when she escapes.

Kaden would have really died (and the sequel would have focused on his younger brother Nikolaus growing up with Clayton and Katlyn being very possessive and the book definition of "helicopter parents").

The humans were going to win the war and the wolves would have gone into hiding. After Alex was killed.

The Goddess wasn't going to offer aid originally (Clayton was going to be the only one revived because Ace's father heals him).

The Ravenwolf pack was originally going to be wiped out to just about fifteen members left.

Dominic was going to betray Katlyn and kill Kaden himself in a fit of jealous rage.

Katlyn was supposed to be a Hunter for only one month but I figured what the hell.

Clayton was supposed to battle Hunter Katlyn in the end. She would've got her memories back when she was slammed on the ground and knocked out.

Lexi and Mike were supposed to hate each other at first with Mike eventually winning her over in the war when he saves her from getting shot (taking the bullet himself/ which prompts Lexi to turn him)

Katlyn's parents were originally going to realize their faults and own up to their wrongdoings; eventually accepting Clayton as their son-in-law.

Dominic was going to be Katlyn's protector in the shadows, following her everywhere, but never being seen. He eventually would protect her son Nikolaus as well, who spots him (Uhhh, sir? You know I can see you, right?) and the two form an almost teacher-student bond with Dominic showing him how to defend himself; in the times Nikolaus can get away from his parents.

Eventually Katlyn would kill Dominic after he let's it slip about Kaden. Nikolaus would resent his mother, but eventually forgive her and find a mate Amelia (Yes the same Amelia from Her Son Kaden).

Well that's all of my tell-all for this book! If you want me to do more, just say so lol! This is fun.


Her Wolf AlphaTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang