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Katlyn's P. O. V.

I woke up to a horrible burning on my neck. A groan escaped my lips and I slipped out of bed only to pause before my feet touched the floor.

Where was I?

I looked around the unfamiliar room and frowned. Normally I would've been hyperventilating, thinking I'd been kidnapped, but no, I only felt confused and a flicker of uncanny annoyance.

The room was gray. The bed was lined with gray covers, pillows, sheets. The headboard was a muted black. The walls resembled the dull tone of elephant skin. The wood borders along the wall floor were the color of the great animals' ivory tusks. A black furry rug lay on the ground showing out against the light gray tile of the floor. The doors, three of them, one white and two off white.

I let my feet touch the cool tiles before I stood up. I went to the door and opened it only to frown when I saw a closet full of clothes. I tried the white door after shutting the closet and gracefully stepped out into a short hallway.

"Mom? Dad?" I called and in moments I heard movement. I followed the noise to find my parents in what looked to be a living room.

"Oh honey you're awake... how are you?" My mother said and I shrugged.

"Where are we?" I asked scratching an itch on my neck but instantly pulling away from pain.

"We moved... Katlyn don't you remember? After you brought home that dog we had to move but he couldn't come so we had to leave him there." My mom said and I frowned.

"What dog? What about Dalton mom?" I said and my mother gave a bitter smile.

"Dalton left dear. He betrayed you." She said and I tilted my head in confusion. Dalton was my best friend, what was she talking about?

"What?" I breathed and my father grunted.

"Let's just get to the point. He lays in bed with a man, a werewolf at that." He said curtly and for some reason that made my blood boil. Dalton's gay? Why didn't he tell me? And what's this about werewolves?

"A werewolf?" I said in a sharp voice and he nodded.

"Werewolves don't-" I started to say but my mother cut me off.

"Do you feel that feeling inside of you? That urge?" She asked and I remained silent, knowing very well that I felt it.

"We're Hunters Katlyn. We hunt those vermin down like the animals they are." My father said and I felt the feeling spark.

"You up for a little hunting?" My mother said with a smile and I nodded feeling excitement and need rush through me. Why not?

"Here." She said tossing me a gun which I caught with skill. My mother gave me an approving nod and tossed me a holster which I slipped it in. Everything just felt natural.

My parents grabbed an assortment of weapons then hid them away into their clothes and such.

"Let go hunting gals." My father said and we all left our house and loaded up in the car.

We'd been driving for some time before we made it to some woods. My dad stopped the car and we all got out.

"This is where most rouges pass through. Should be a good hunt." My mother explained while we walked into the brush. The trees offered many hiding places and I scanned the area to the best of my abilities... then I heard it.

A growl.

I whirled around and fired smirking as I heard a yelp of a wolf. It stumbled out and shifted back to a young woman. She snarled at me and lunged before suddenly stopping. Her yellow eyes studied me.

"Luna-" she started but a bullet made her head fling back and blood dripped down her face. Her dead body slumped at my feet. No pity touched my heart only annoyance that someone killed her before I did.

"Abigail!" A roar of agony rang out and a man with pained and angry eyes lunged at my father who shot him down quickly. I looked at the dead couple and rolled my eyes.

"What now?" I asked and my mother smiled.

"The best part." She said and hurried away to get something. My father stood beside me as we waited for her return. She came back holding a canister.

My father smiled softly and I watched in mingled curiosity as she dowsed the carcasses in a liquid. The pungent odor filled my nose and I stepped back some. Gasoline.

"Verum in morte. Ave, verum corpus. In mortis examine." My mother said and I frowned. Some of that sounded oddly familiar.

"It means: Truth in death. Hail, true body. In death's test." My father explained and I nodded slowly. He pulled out a lighter and in a flash one body was burning. In moments so was the other.

"Watch." My parents said and I looked at the bodies and was shocked to see the burning flesh and bone rearranging back into a wolf. Soon two wolves were turning to ash.

"Weird isn't it?" My father said and I nodded. Disgustingly weird.

"So are they actual wolves?" I asked and my parents looked at each other.

"I think they started as wolves but learned how to walk and act like humans? I'm not sure, only they know and well we don't socialize to find out." My mother said and the conversation was dropped.


It'd been a few months and Dad was helping me with a partner takedown.

About twenty dummies, wolf and human were placed in front of us.

I looked over at my father and watched with satisfaction as he picked up an axe. He played with the tool in his hands some before giving me a soft smile. I returned the smile and gave him a nod that I was ready.

Not even a second after I gave the signal he hurled the axe and let it loose. The axe flew through the air with such force it sliced through the first dummy's neck like it was butter. He shot me a glance and I gave him a quick smile before I plunged the machete into the temple of the closer dummy. Cold, fake blood trickled from the clean wound left as I pulled out the knife.

The axe still flew trough the air, decapitating three more dummies, before becoming lodged deeply in one's chest. I heard my father chuckle softly and I felt chills run through my body, a good kind of chills.

With a new feeling of adrenaline I lunged at the next dummy and brought the machete up so that it punctured deep into the bottom of the chin and came out the top of the skull with a defining cracking noise. I whipped the blade out and smiled as the fake blood gushed out over my hands.

The dummies were easily taken out by Dad and I and in just mere moments we were done. I looked around us and saw fake blood everywhere and I fought the urge to chuckle. I watched as he walked over to a dummy and pulled the axe out of its head with a sickening, sucking sound.

The axe was covered in fake, wet, glistening blood, just like the machete I held. We were both covered in speckles of fake blood. We put the weapons back on the table and faced my mother who'd been watching, she stared at us for a while with a smile before starting to assess the dummies.

"All death blows, perfect." She said clapping her hands and I grinned.

My life was good. But I couldn't help feeling like something was missing.

How do y'all feel about Katlyn?

Her parents?

I'll update again soon!!!

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