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Here we go guys! (:

We'd been sitting in the living room for hours and my parents had left about thirty minutes ago after a bombardment of questions.

"Is Clayton nice to you? (Yeah.)Are you happy? (Overjoyed.) Do you need to leave? (No.) Do you love him? (Yes.) When's the wedding? (Umm... I don't know?) Has he touched you? (What do you mean?) Have y'all had sex? (Dad... No we haven't.) Are you sure because you just turned super red? (I'm positive we haven't. We just kissed.) Oh-is he a good kisser? (Mom!)" When they were satisfied with my answers they hugged me and left.

I sighed and sat back in the recliner. Drew and Dalton were seated at one end of the couch leaned against each other asleep. Mike had Lexi in his lap and his arms were loosely around her, they were both out cold. I sat there awkwardly watching them. They were all so cute.

"...Just a rouge. Go on to your room. I have to find my mate." I jumped up at Clayton's voice. It wasn't even explainable how much I wanted him.

He walked into the room and paused looking at everyone and his eyes landed on Lexi sleeping with Mike. He frowned and started going toward them and I cleared my throat. He looked at me and I saw his body relax some.

"What is going on?" He whispered. I grinned.

"She's Mike's mate." I said and Clayton stared at the two for a while then muttered, "She looks happy." I nodded. He sighed and looked at me.

"So I see everyone's all cuddled up. How bout we go to our room? Your scent of desire is driving me insane and I want alone time. I missed you." Clayton sighed and I rushed at him and jumped in his arms. He caught me and my legs wrapped around his waist. My mate groaned and pressed me against him.

"I want my sexy alpha." I moaned-surprising myself-and Clayton growled softly and kissed my neck. I tilted my head back as Clayton sucked on my skin. I closed my eyes and my crazy alpha carried me up the stairs and into our room.

He shut the door and locked it with one of his hands while holding me up with his arm. He growled and carried me to the bed and threw me down so I was sitting on the mattress. The roughness of it only turned me on more. I moaned and Clayton tackled me to the bed. He growled and his lips crashed on mine. His hands gripped my butt and he pressed against me as the kiss deepened. My fingers combed through his hair and I nibbled on his bottom lip. Clayton let out a throaty moan and the kiss got really aggressive.

His hands slipped under my shirt and rubbed my back. He groaned into the kiss as I pressed against him. After a few moments of heated French kisses we'd both pretty much abandoned our clothes except our undergarments.

My hands ran along his warm hard muscles and I scratched his back. My mate groaned as I reached for his boxers and he grabbed my wrists and pinned them by my head. With a grunt he broke the kiss. He stared into my eyes as he calmed his breathing and softly kissed my lips. He grinned softly but he looked reluctant.

"Clay-" I started my voice thick with longing.

"Katy we can't right now. I want it to be perfect for you baby and right now just isn't the time." Clayton sighed and laid down next to me. I swallowed my disappointment and nodded. He sighed and pulled me against him. He was right, I lost myself for a second. I felt my face heating up in a blush.

"I love you." He whispered in my ear and pulled the covers over us. I smiled and snuggled closer to him.

"I love you too." I breathed and Clayton chuckled softly and kissed my neck softly.

It wasn't long before we'd both fallen asleep.

I woke up with a jolt the next morning and disappointment swamped over me as I saw that Clayton was gone. I looked around the room and frowned when I realized he wasn't in there with me.

My heart sped up and I slipped out of bed. I exited the room on soft feet and went down the hallway. I went into the kitchen and smiled when I saw Mike and Lexi.

"Guys have y'all seen Clay?" I asked wonderingly and I couldn't help but notice the two glance at each other real quick.

"He had alpha duties to take care of." Lexi said and Mike nodded. I looked at them suspiciously and jumped as Drew and Dalton came strolling in. The two guys smiled at us and Dalton came and threw an arm over my shoulder.

"Sup Katy?" He asked and I looked at him and Drew.

"Do y'all know when Clayton's coming back?" I looked at Drew. He'd better, he was beta after all. Drew shook his head and cleared his throat.

"Nope he took off early this morning. Didn't say much. Actually snapped at me when I asked him where he was going." Drew said with a slight frown.

"Oh..." I said and sighed. Suddenly something hit me.

"Hey why do I only see y'all but hardly every see the other pack members?" I asked and Drew answered.

"They're at school or training or something like that. A lot of them stay in their rooms." Drew said and shrugged. I nodded softly and grabbed some granola bars out of the pantry and ate them. The others got whatever they wanted and I sighed.

"So will I start school back or..." I started and when I didn't get an answer I went outside.

Today was Monday I should've had school today but heck it was close to the end of the school year anyway. I was a senior, I'd passed everything so I guess I'd be fine. They'd just mail me my diploma if I didn't attend graduation.

I remembered my conversation with Lexi on the day I arrived. You see there'd been news of a new high school opening and such and ironically it was funded by my mate. Turns out had a lot-a lot-of money and the school was only for werewolves really... Though the humans don't know that. But no one in town was going to go to it anyway-not that they'd be accepted-everyone was perfectly fine where they were. Which was great considering the fact that if they did they'd most likely see a shifting and that would not be a good thing for the secrecy of the weres. The school would be opening next school year.

I hummed to myself as I walked outside and my bare feet felt hugged by the soft grass. I took in a deep breath of the nice fresh air and watched as birds flew across the multicolored orangey sky. The sun hit the tall oaks and pines and I marveled at its beauty.

But even as I watched it after my temporary blissful state... I realized I missed my mate. Oh this was horrible. I wonder when he'd be back?

I updated

Praise everything!!!

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