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"Alpha. Wake up my crazy boy." I cooed and my wolf opened his eyes sleepily. He'd fallen asleep beside me on the couch. I giggled as he met my eyes and I scratched his head softly causing him to growl softly and nip my arm on the sensitive part near my elbow. I laugh escaped me and I finally snatched my arm away as he started nipping it faster and it tickled. He made a chuffing noise as I pulled away and it was almost as if he was laughing at me. I glared at him playfully and stuck my tongue out. He chuffed again and hopped off the couch.

I was getting up also when my phone started ringing and I settled back and answered it after fumbling for it in my pocket. I answered without looking and put it up to my ear.

"Hello?" I said and Alpha sat on the ground and watched me with his piercing eyes. I noticed his ears were perked and directed toward me and I smirked as I realized he was trying to listen to my phone call. Smart little devil.

"Katy?" My heart stuttered as Dalton's voice greeted me. He sounded nervous and tired. I gulped as I remembered our last encounter and my heart throbbed.

"What is it Dalton?" I sighed and Alpha growled at his name.

"Can I come over? Please?" His voice said softly and I felt my throat catch. Alpha growled and his eyes seemed to say, No, don't let him over here.

"Dalton I don't think that's a good idea. I mean last time it wasn't the best ending." I stated biting my lip. Dalton sighed over the phone.

"But Katy... I miss you. You're my best friend I can't lose you." He said in a sad voice and I felt my heart tug. I sighed.

"Fine... But if you try anything on me I'll sic Alpha on you." I said half joking half serious.

"Yeah I won't. I'm on my way." Dalton said sounding happy and I sighed and hung up the phone. Alpha stood and paced around the room growling.

"It's okay boy. He's not going to try anything... Unless he wants you on him." I said softly and Alpha snorted and I watched as he stood by the door like a guard.

It wasn't long before Dalton's truck was parked outside and he was hopping out and strutting up to my door. Alpha snarled and his fur bristled. I laid my hand on his back to comfort him and waited till he settled down to open the door. Dalton jumped as it opened and looked at me with wary eyes. He looked awful.

"You look like shit Dalt." I stated and he grimaced.

"Thanks babe." He said with a sarcastic smirk. I rolled my eyes but couldn't help smiling a bit.

"Look I'm really sorry... I shouldn't have done that to you. I was just caught up in the moment and I was in a kissing mood and you were just there and I needed to so I did it- but I'm sorry! I didn't mean to- and that was your first kiss and I fucked it up-" Dalton started ranting and I shushed him by flicking him on his nose. He stopped looking confused and flustered, "Did you just flick me?" He said in shock and I nodded.

"Okay you're forgiven." I said shrugging. My old friend looked astonished. He smiled and he looked much better as the dead look faded his features.

"Really?" He said in pure happiness and I smiled a little bit wider as I nodded.

"Dalt you've been my friend for years-years- a kiss won't ruin that." I sighed and he let out a breath of relief. He took a step toward me and opened his arms for a hug but Alpha's snarl made him freeze.

"Come on Alpha it's just a hug." Dalton said and hugged me anyway. Alpha growled darkly and squeezed himself in between us and with a grunt Dalton let me go. He stepped back and crossed his arms over his chest.

"I'll talk to you later okay?" Dalton said and I nodded as he smiled and went back to his car. He waved at me once he got in and I watched as he drove away.

As soon as I got the door shut Alpha snarled and stalked into the living room. I sighed and followed him.

"Are you mad at me?" I asked as I sat on the couch and he trotted to the other side of the room and laid by the TV. He huffed and cast me a glance before turning away.

"God you're like a jealous friend." I said softly realizing it was true. Alpha growled softly and I giggled. That only made him growl more. Which made me laugh. Finally he stopped growling and leapt to his paws. With a bound and a hop he was on the couch next to me and he laid halfway on top of me with a deep growl. I stopped laughing because of the sparks and Alpha huffed and licks his chops before yawning and settling on me. I checked my phone after awhile. It was 8:45 PM.

I poked Alpha and he jolted awake. I chuckled at his alert look and I pushed him off me. He whined and I petted his head.

"I've got to shower boy. I'm tired." I sighed and he yipped and followed me as I walked out of the living room and up the stairs into my room.

I entered the bathroom and slipped out of my clothes. I quickly hopped in and turned on the water. Dumb decision on my part because I hadn't given the water time to warm. I yelped and danced around as I was pelted with icy water. Alpha came running in the bathroom to my rescue and stumbled over his own paws and skidded until he collided into the sink counter. I stifled a laugh as he got up and shook himself and padded over to me. I looked at him past the glass and shook my head.

"I'm fine Alpha. The water was cold." I chuckled and he snorted and laid by the shower. I sighed as the water warmed and I bathed myself. Suddenly Alpha started coughing and he growled and whined as he sprinted out of the bathroom. Weird.

After I was done I turned off the water and opened the now fogged up shower door. I looked around. No Alpha. I shrugged and grabbed a towel and started to dry myself. I suddenly heard the counting of my wolf again and concern pricked my heart.

"Alpha are you okay boy?" I asked and got a yip in return. I hurriedly dried myself and slipped into my silky pjs. I heard a thudding noise and fear gripped me. What the hell was going on? I suddenly got really scared.

I slipped out of the bathroom and looked around. Alpha wasn't in my room. I frowned and went down the stairs. My heart was drumming in my chest. I could still hear a bit of coughing and I made my way toward my parents room. I was positive he was in there. Sure enough his coughs got louder before they suddenly stopped just as I was reaching the hall to their room. The fact that the hall was dark wasn't helping.

"Alpha?" I said softly and I heard a shuffling noise and it kind of frightened me. Another cough sounded but it was different.

I gulped and entered the doorway and peered around. I only saw darkness. No Alpha. I was turning away, feeling utterly creeped out when a noise made me jump out of my skin. Well not a noise more like words.

"Hey Katlyn." A deep voice said and I screamed. My flight instinct took over and I didn't look back as I took off toward my room.

Yes I updated!

I feel so proud of myself.

I love you guys!

Her Wolf AlphaWhere stories live. Discover now