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I don't think I've ever run so fast in my life. Adrenaline pumped through me as I pelted up the stairs. I'd just reached the top when a hand wrapped around me wrist and pulled me to a violent stop. And by violent I mean I'm pretty sure my wrist nearly broke. I yelped as a hand clamped over my mouth and I was pulled back against a hard chest. I was freaking out and honestly if I wasn't empty I'd probably have peed myself yet at the same time warm sparks were coursing through my veins.

I tried to get out of the stranger's grasp but whoever this guy was he was strong. My struggling wasn't don't much if anything. His hand was still over my mouth and I bit down on his skin. He grunted and let me go and I quickly elbowed him in the stomach, hitting hard muscle, and ran into my room. I attempted to shut the door but the guy caught it with his foot and I whined in fear.

"Who the hell are you. G-get out of my house." I said trying to sound stern but my voice shook. Alpha. I gasped at the thought.

"What did you do with my dog?" I spat at him suddenly growing angry. If he harmed him I swear to God I was going to find a way to make him pay.

"Oh Katlyn... I've done nothing to him." The guy said from where he was still behind my door. Why did his voice sound familiar?

"How do you know my name? And bullshit he wouldn't leave me. He'd be right here beside me. Protecting me." I said and my heart twisted at the thought he might be hurt.

"But I am here. There's nothing to protect you from." The weirdo said in a gruff voice and I froze. Oh great, I've got a lunatic in my house just dandy. I stepped away from the door and grabbed the closest thing to me-a metal bucket I use to put pens in. I was going to grab the lamp but the bucket is easier to throw. I could only imagine myself trying to throw the lamp.

"Just leave. Or I'm calling the police." I said hoping to scare him off but he only laughed.

"I'm not scared of the police-the police are scared of me. I'm not going anywhere to be frank-I live here with you." The man said and I let out a shaky breath. Why did I feel like I've heard his voice? Chills ran up my spine.

"Take whatever you want but just leave." I said tightening my grip on the metal bucket and the guy growled. I felt my blood grow cold.

"If you want me to take whatever I want I can... But you wouldn't like what I do. I only want you. So maybe you can imagine in that beautiful little head of yours what would be going down in that bedroom of yours." The guy grunted with a slight chuckle and I fought the urge to cry. He's thinking about... Hell no.

"Get your sick ass out of my house." I spat but backed away from the door.

"Oh Katlyn I don't have any interest in leaving you here. Now can I come in?" The guy said in a slightly annoyed voice and I scoffed.

"I don't know you." I said as I got on the far side of my room. After a pause the door opened and in walked the stranger. My mouth dropped open at the sight of the gorgeous man in my room. His dark brown hair was ruffled and his body was that of a gods. My eyes ran over his perfectly sculpted muscles and stared briefly at his eight pack. I stared to look at where his body started making a v shape for his waist and they trained on his boxers. I snapped my eyes back up to his face. He looked around the room and his eyes landed on me and I gasped.

"I don't understand." I sighed in disbelief as I stared at his eyes. Alpha's eyes. They were the same striking gold with a slight flicker of red.

"Don't you recognize me?" He said in a gruff voice that sounded like it wasn't used much. I took a step back. This isn't possible. My back presses against the wall as he steps toward me and I move away from it. Not the wall it's the mother of all clichés. Like 'the scary boy(him) presses the terrified girl(me) against the wall,' yeah right. So I moved by my bed and stood there rocking on my heels watching whoever this guy was.

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