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I looked over at my wolf and slipped into my pajamas. It was kind of weird because as I dressed Alpha sat at the door and watched me.

"What?" I said and Alpha seemed to shrug as he looked away from me and scratched his ear with his leg. I walked past him and he immediately stopped scratching and followed me out of the room. I made my way downstairs and straight for the kitchen. Alpha stopped beside the fridge and sat down.

I opened the fridge and got out the jug of milk and poured me a glass. Yum. I drank it down and licked the bit off my top lip. After I washed my cup and put it away I made my way back to the stairs and mounted them quickly. I'd reached the top when I realized Alpha hadn't followed me.

"Alpha?" I questioned my wolf as he stood at the bottom of the stairs gazing up at me. He shook a little and yipped softly while pawing at the ground.

His chest heaved and I tilted my head in confusion when suddenly I got this feeling in my stomach. Oh shit. I ran to my room so fast a cheetah would've been impressed. I flew to the bathroom and grabbed some pads and sat on the toilet. I relieved myself and sure enough the water was reddening.

"Thank God." I sighed as I realized my underwear was not marred by my blood. I put on a pad and wiped myself before flushing the toilet and going into my room. I felt dirty and I could already feel my hormones going crazy. That was one thing I hated about my special time of the month, it always made me super horny.

Alpha lifted his head as I shut the bathroom door. He was laid out on my bed and his eyes watched me closely. I walked over to my bed and laid beside him. Alpha growled softly as I pulled the covers on me and he sniffed me. Suddenly he laid on top of me and wouldn't get off.

"Alpha." I groaned and he whined and laid his head on my chest. He growled suddenly and leapt from me giving himself a good shake. I watched him before laying my head on my pillow and groaning as I got a cramp. I hate these stupid things. As I groaned Alpha whined and laid next to me. His furry body pressed against mine and he licked my hand comfortingly.

"Alpha why do cramps have to hurt so bad?" I gasped and my wolf whined and laid his head on my stomach. The pain subsided and I sighed. My hand went to his head and I scratched behind his ears as I lay there.

I felt my eyes close and I was thrust into a dream.

I was walking down a hallway when suddenly something grabbed me. I started to yell but before I could say anything lips crushed upon mine. Sparks rushed through me and I didn't fight back as I melted into the stranger's lips. I moaned in pleasure as their tongue trailed my bottom lip and I gave them entrance.

My arms wrapped around their neck and I felt a muscled body press against mine. I felt tingles run up me as I was thrown on a bed and the stranger- this sexy godly man- crouched on top of me and kissed my neck.

"Kate." He growled and I sighed.

"Who are you?" I moaned and the guy chuckled and kissed my neck, "I'm your mate." He growled and sunk his teeth in my skin.

*Time jump*

"Clayton!" I gasped loudly sitting upright and Alpha jumped to his paws. Suddenly he stopped and looked at me, tilting his head to the side. That was the third time I'd had this dream in the past weeks. Luckily I was done with my time of the month but strangely I guess my hormones hadn't been informed of that because I seemed to be growing in sexuality.

"Who the hell is Clayton?" I mumbled to myself and rubbed my temples. Alpha whined softly and licked my cheek. I giggled and pushed him away from me and went to the bathroom.

I walked out all clean and dressed and went downstairs to the kitchen. A note laid on the table and I picked it up and read it, it was from my parents.

Honey your father and I had to go and get some things. We'll be back later baby. Have fun! And don't forget to walk Alpha, he's probably dying to go outside.

I finished the letter and sighed. I grabbed a bite to eat and gave Alpha all of the raw bacon in the fridge, then I gave him another steak. He happily scarfed it down then pranced around me.

I chuckled and suddenly he ran into me and sparks erupted in me and I sighed. I shook myself and walked outside through the back door. The grand morning breeze hit me and billowed my hair behind me. I closed my eyes and let the warm sun awaken my tired body. I smiled softly as I heard Alpha letting out a howling melody. I loved it when he howled. I opened my eyes and watched as he strode toward the woods. His fur shimmered in the sunshine and I followed him as he went into the forest. He led me deeper into the wood and we paused at a river. I chuckled as he hopped in the shallow water and began walking toward the deeper part.

"Alpha if you get super dirty I can't let you inside." I reminded him and he paused and trotted out of the water. I watched as he shook his paws and I giggled at the silliness of it. He yipped at me and trotted back toward the house. I smirked and took off toward my home. Alpha barked and ran beside me. In minutes we were back home and I was panting for breath. Alpha looked perfect and he danced at the door wanting my to open it. After I caught my breath I opened the door and he bolted inside. I followed and shut the door.

"Alfalfa." I cooed playfully and my wolf yipped and jumped on me. I giggled and pushed him away. But I still felt sparks radiate through me. A groan of tiredness escaped me as I sat down and Alpha sat across from me. His strange eyes met mine and a weird feeling mixed in with the sparks and I shook my head in confusion.

Damn hormones.

"Ugh Alpha I need a boyfriend or something. These hormones are crazy." I whined and Alpha growled as I sat down on the carpet and laid back staring at the ceiling.  He seemed to say 'Why have a boyfriend when you have me?' As I looked at the ceiling Alpha stood over me and then sat on top of me with his head over mine. I stuck my tongue at him and he yipped and licked my face nearly licking in my mouth. I shoved him away and wiped my face frantically, glaring spitefully at Alpha.

"Gross Alpha you almost got your tongue in my mouth!" I said shrilly and shook my head to the side as he attacked my face once again with his slobbery kisses.

My wolf barked and bounded away toward the living room and as I stood he turned and gripped my sleeve in his teeth. With a soft growl he tugged me toward the door and I chuckled as he led me to the couch. I sat down and Alpha jumped up next to me and laid his big body against mine.

Yay! Another update!

Hello my lovely readers!

Please comment and share! If there are any typos it would be very helpful to point them out to me. I tend to miss the small ones. :P

I'll be updating again soon!

Her Wolf AlphaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora