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Sorry for the delay guys. *parents took my phone*
This chapter is going to be rather short.

I stayed on that bed for a while before I ventured off and stumbled to my feet. I came out of my hazy state and heard voices.

"You're so cold hearted!" My interest peeked as I recognized Lexi's voice.

"She's a fucking whore Lexi! She's already had sex with someone. I should've known by how she was all over her friend... Hell it was probably him!" Clayton's voice snarled and my heart broke even more.

"Did you even let her explain?" Lexi growled. Clayton gave a bitter laugh.

"What is there to explain? I don't want to hear any details about how she fucked some guy." My mate growled and I felt something stab my heart.

"It's funny that you'd say that. She's been putting up with your shit maybe you can put up with this one thing! She was crying to you and you said all that! What if something happened to her Clayton?!" Lexi yelled and I walked toward the door. I couldn't take it anymore I slipped out of the room, phone in hand, and ran down the hall. Luckily I didn't come across anyone as I made it outside. I didn't have the same luck once I got outside though.

"Umph!" Someone groaned as I barreled into a hard chest and suddenly I was sprawled on the ground... Well sprawled on someone.

"Sorry." I breathed as I laid my hands on their chest and tried to push myself off.

"Woah... Who are you?" The person said and I looked down into the guy's brown eyes. He was attractive but not as good as Clayton. Clayton... I whimpered at the thought.

"Hey you okay?" The boy asked and his arms wrapped around me. I blushed at his close contact as he sat up with me practically in his lap.

"No." I said softly and a tiny sob escaped. The guy made a weird noise and hugged me closer.

"Where's Clayton? He should be comforting you." The guy said in a shocked voice.

"How'd you know he's my mate?" I said and he smiled.

"Everyone knows. Word spreads sweetie." He chuckled and ran his hands through my hair comfortingly, "It's a shame you got paired with him, he's not the best person to get along with."

"Yeah..." I sighed. A roar rumbled from inside and the guy jumped slightly.

"Welp that's Clayton. Best if you get off me. If he's sees he'll rip me apart." The guy said standing and helping me up. He wiped my face and tapped my chin.

"Keep your head up Luna Kate." He said with a soft smile. I returned a small grin. His eyes sparkled gold for a second.

"Lovely. I'm Drew by the way. Catch you later Kate." The boy said with a smile and walked away. I sighed and walked back inside.

"It's your fault she ran off!" Lexi's voice rang down the halls and Clayton's growl followed.

"Just shut up Lexi!" My mate yelled and I gulped as I walked toward the screams. My body was shaking by the time I got to Clayton's office. They were in there. I cleared my face and wiped my eyes. My hand paused before opening the door.

Clayton and Lexi turned to me and I straightened my stance, "I just wanted to know when my parents and Dalton can come over." I said flatly and Clayton growled.

"I'm not having that boy in my house." My mate snarled and I frowned at him.

"I'm not asking your permission." I said without emotion.

"You're not going to fuck him in this house either." Clayton growled and my hurt flared up in anger and indignation.

"Fuck you! You don't even know me! You don't know any damn thing about me! I hate you! You're an asshole! I can't believe I was actually going to tell you... Fuck it, it doesn't matter. You just think I'm some hoe." I yelled and my voice ended in a shaky sigh. I cleared my throat and by total coincidence my phone started ringing. I jumped and put it to my ear after answering it.

"Hello?" I said and Dalton's voice greeted me.

"Hey sweetheart." My friend's voice said and I heard Clayton growl. I rolled my eyes and swiveled on my heels and left the room.

"Hi Dalton. How are you?" I said with a smile.

"I'm good." An odd noise sounded in the background and I paused.

"What's that noise?"

"Oh, that's my cousin Mike. Aye Mike quit all that damn noise!" Dalton yelled and I giggled. Oh Michael, I'd met him a few times and he was the real jokester. He was great though.

"Who ya talking to?" Mike's voice said and Dalton chuckled.

"It's Katlyn." Dalton said and Mike whooped.

"Hey Katy baby!" Mike yelled and I laughed. By now I was in my room. I sat on the bed and listened to the cousins bickering.

"So how's everything with Mr Wolf?" Mike asked and I froze.

"How do you know- Dalton!" I said and my friend immediately started yelling at Mike. I waited until they were done to speak again.

"Dalton you weren't supposed to tell." I scolded and my friend sighed.

"Sorry Kate but he wouldn't shut up about it so I told him." Dalton explained. I nodded slowly then realized he couldn't see me.

"It's okay." I said softly.

"Hey I got the address from your parents and is it okay if we come tomorrow? Oh yeah and can I bring Mike- he's gonna follow either way." Dalton said and I smiled.

"Yeah sure. I can't wait. I'll meet you there... At twelve?" I said and the boys agreed and whooped in excitement. I chuckled and rolled my eyes.

"We'll be there." They said almost in unison and I giggled. I ended the call.

With a huff I laid back in my bed and sighed. I couldn't believe what had happened today. I almost couldn't fathom the things my mate had said to me. If only he'd listened.

I felt sadness pricking me and I pushed it away. No more crying today.

I got on my phone and went to my music and scrolled through my playlist until I landed on a particular song. I smiled and took out my portable speaker and connected it to my phone. I set the speaker on a desk beside the bed and pressed play on my phone and turned it up. The music was loud and I quickly paused it and leaped from the bed and locked my door. Satisfied I turned back to the bed and plopped down pressing play and letting Good Charlotte's 'I Don't Wanna Be In Love' fill my room.

I tapped my foot to the song and soon enough I was singing along. It was an older song but I still loved it when it came on.

"Stop what you're doin'. You don't wanna ruin, the chance that you got to find a new one." I smiled at that part and laid back in my bed.

Tomorrow couldn't come fast enough.

I should be updating again tomorrow.

I have a surprise for the next chapter!

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